keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Anthony R's Articles for January, 2017
January 16, 2017 by Anthony R
So now, "human rights legend" John Lewis claims that Donald Trump is illegitimate. Thats odd, it seemed to me like Trump won an electoral landslide. Its also worth noting that the partisan Democrats who are in total control of our intelligence agencies reported that there was no evidence of vote tampering by Russia or anyone else. What a crybaby sore loser John Lewis... cry me a river. I still remember the last public tantrum Lewis pitched when he claimed that a teapartier spit on him and called...
January 18, 2017 by Anthony R
With the Trump inauguration coming up, I was reflecting on the whole thing. From his unlikely nomination in the primaries, to his stunning defeat of the allegedly unbeatable democratic heavyweight, Hillary Clinton, and finally, to all the sullen, crying faces of the liberals, this has been amazing fun. I've never seen anyone campaign harder, or longer than Trump, while Clinton did nothing but demean him and anyone who considered voting for him as "deplorable". Team Clinton didn't even...