keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Published on July 8, 2008 By Anthony R In Blogging

I've always gotten into problems with people on the internet so its nothing new I guess, but recently, I've begun to think that this interaction just isn't worth it.

The latest flame occurred at schoolteacher David's [40] Blog. I went there and found a picture of his young son eating from a giant bag of Doritos and I was taken aback, so I commented on how unhealthy I thought that was.

"Come on David... don't let the kid gorge himself on Doritos and stuff. Kids today are starting to look like beach balls, I hope Adrian doesn't end up like that."

Obviously, this was a mistake because David pounded on his chest like a caveman and became extraordinarily defensive.

"Hey TonyR. I hate to correct you (because i know how RIGHT you usually are) but his name is Aidan. And he likes Doritos and stuff. He gets them when he is good. And he's not fat.But, I really appreciate your concern and your tips for raising my son. Please let me know if you have any other child rearing suggestions. How old are your kids?"

Now, I never said the kid was fat... nor did I suggest that Dave couldnt raise his kid any way he wanted to. Although, these accusations that I was meddling was kind of Ironic in a way because he makes his living interjecting himself into the lives of other peoples kids on a daily basis, most likely attempting to indoctrinate them with his far out, left wing beliefs. Psychiatrists call this condition 'Projecting.'

He was also carrying over anger about some innocuous thing I said on the thread prior to the Doritos incident. The whole jab about 'how right' I was came from his absurd suggestion of how the New York Times was somehow fair and balanced because they've recently hired Billy Kristol. This was the exchange.

TonyR said...
lets face it... the NYT isn't all that fair and balanced either.
40 said...
Doesn't Bill Kristol and David Brooks write for the NYTimes?
TonyR said...
Doesn't NPR's Mara Liason, Juan Williams, and Neil Gabler work for FOX?
40 said...
Thanks for proving my point. Not as biased as you think, huh?
TonyR said...
Yes your right as always Dave.
40 said...
I like to refer to it as "correct." Right seems so wrong sometimes.

For him to suggest that the NYT was fair and balanced just because they recently hired Crystal was so absurd, I just humored him like he was a crazy person. Obviously, the people at the top of the NYT hierarchy are overwhelmingly left wing, and they call all the shots, not Kristol. Like I said... absurd.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 10, 2008
Blue cheese can harbor listeria and has 100 calories/8 g fat per ounce. Celery sticks and V8 are high in sodium.

LOL. Kids should stick with eating nutrient paste and run laps all day.

Dam, busted again. Maybe I should start paying more attention to the nutrition labels. Shame on me.
on Jul 12, 2008

Heads up, sometimes when you say something that in YOUR head means one thing, in somebody else's head it means something completely different.  I know, I know it sounds insane doesn't it?  But it doesn't remove it's "truthiness".  I find it a tad bit ironic that you would post a flame about a flame.  Hmmm, doesn't quite make sense.

on Jul 12, 2008

Power to the being a total douche, Anthony.

on Jul 12, 2008

wow, you guys are still on this... lets just say that after being universally condemned... I get it. I've apologized and have moved on. 

on Jul 12, 2008

wow, you guys are still on this... lets just say that after being universally condemned... I get it. I've apologized and have moved on.

Good on ya.  But, you know, if you don't want people to tell you when you have been an idiot, you either 1) shouldn't allow comments, or 2) shouldn't post something on the internet.

on Jul 12, 2008

Bluedev,. I'm not sure what your purpose is... if its to rub it in then your coming across as a bigger idiot.  

on Jul 12, 2008

What I've learnt is that if you take comment as a hostile one, you would respond in equally hostile way and sometimes blow everything out of proportion. I would think most parents will naturally respond in that way if your initial comment implying about their "unhealthy" kid is untrue. If you had stepped back and admitted you don't know the truth of what's behind the screen, you might have avoided this whole unneeded drama.

just my 2C's.




on Jul 13, 2008

Anthony R
Bluedev,. I'm not sure what your purpose is... if its to rub it in then your coming across as a bigger idiot.  

Nope, not trying to rub it in.  Just pointing out that it is a tad silly to whine about people commenting on something you posted.  That little "wow, you guys are still on this" comment just sounds stupid.  People are just doing what you invited them to do: commenting on an article you posted.  Nothing more, nothing less.

on Jul 13, 2008

Blue Dev, everyone prior to you has offered constructive critisism, you seem like you want to come here and simply become confrontational by using blunt words like  'stupid' and 'idiot.' This topic has already been resolved no thanks to you.

on Jul 14, 2008

you seem like you want to come here and simply become confrontational by using blunt words like 'stupid' and 'idiot.'

Heh, well, I would apologize for using "blunt" words, but, frankly, they fit the situation.  Now I'm just poking because it is fun.  At least I'll admit it, no?

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