keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Published on January 14, 2012 By Anthony R In Republican

Well, the Republican primaries have been quite interesting and I've seen quite enough to fully decide who I'm voting for. Its easy to know who I can vote for by excluding all those I could never vote for, such as Newt Gingrich. All the Romney pac did was remind people who Gingrich was/is, and that was too much for Gingrich, so he came out bellyaching and feigning outrages of outrages on TV which only helped to hammer home the attack ads of Romney. Newt is a hypocritical, pompous, duplicitous, and irrevocably damaged candidate who wasn't even liked by fellow Republicans. Its hard to take him seriously when he rails against Romney as a "Massachusetts moderate," when he himself cut a commercial with Nancy Pelosi on global warming. Next up is Rick Perry, who has delivered historical performances which left him looking as intelligent as a cantaloupe. Santorum ran a fine campaign, but I've always viewed his as a little too hotheaded. We need someone a little more even-tempered than Rick Santorum. Next up is John Huntsman and Ron Paul. Huntsman to me is like a white Obama who speaks Chinese. Why bother voting at all? Huntsman isn't much different than Obama to me. Then there is Ron Paul who is the most peculiar candidate I ever encountered. On one hand, he makes a lot of sense and I admire him for stating his beliefs without focus groups or polls. He says what he believes and lets the chips fall where they may. In politics that is rare, but then he begins to talk foreign policy and seems almost completely divorced and detached from reality. For instance, he seems to think that Iran is completely non threatening to the United States. Its hard to take such a position seriously when the Iranian people have a holiday called, "death to America Day." And there is no way I could cast a vote for a man who doesn't believe America should have fought World War II. This leaves Mitt Romney as the only viable, plausible President. He has flaws, but he is a former Governor and he is a successful businessman who looks the part, and unlike Obama who just stands around posing or vacationing, can actually play the part. So that's it. Mitt Romney it is.

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on Jan 29, 2012

I always have concerns over electionc because they are always manipulated so much so that we only perceive we are accomplishing something constructive. I am way past donations and past odd comments ... don't we really have bigger problems?

How can people be so smart and stupid at the same time???

on Jan 29, 2012

don't we really have bigger problems?

The problem is our "bigger problems" are all tied together with this one. To deal with the other problems we need to keep the economy going and the economy runs on oil.

If you have been following the sanctions game here is a recent snippet from reuters.

Speculate from there....


on Jan 29, 2012

Smoothseas, this is precisely what I am saying. “In a remark suggesting Iran would fight sanctions with sanctions, Iran's oil minister said the Islamic state would soon stop exporting crude to "some" countries.” If we had not added these additional sanctions (because of our own fear mongering?) … do you think this would be happening? The world oil market will not be overly dislocated if Iran passes this. However, if the USG takes this to a physical conflict … That will adversely affect the world’s oil supply and much worse. This election is going to happen ... this stuff might not.

Well I am not going to pester you guy(s) with any more Ron Paul stuff … but … this last one seems to show some of the leadership qualities we need. Consider this speech was delivered to Congress in Apr. of 2002 as we were gearing up for war … please watch, it is not very long … how do they get so much in there in so little time?

This made a big impression on me and besides, I already voted for him ... but I do thin my husband did huh...

on Jan 29, 2012

do you think this would be happening? The world oil market will not be overly dislocated if Iran passes this. However, if the USG takes this to a physical conflict

Everything is guesswork. It's a cat and mouse game. Notice at the end of the article that Iran postponed their decision? Iran supplies about 2.5mill bbls/day and experts guess about 4mill/day current worldwide excess production capabilty. Oil prices would probably hit a new record high and we would possibly see something worse than what happened in 2008 if all of their oil supply was cut off.

The truth is none of the candidates want a war with the exception of maybe Gingrich, but even though I think he is an idiot I don't think he is that irrational? Hard to tell. It's all mostly chest thumping and not a bad thing in all to add to the show since we are slowly tightening the sanction noose and UN inspectors actually went in today.

Well I am not going to pester you guy(s) with any more Ron Paul stuff … but … this last one seems to show some of the leadership qualities we need.

I watch a lot of his stuff. He is very good at calling things how he sees it. The question is whether his solutions are good or not or even more so whether he could deliver on them. He won't have the congress to do much of anything in the first place?

I applaud anyone who votes for Paul. To me its a non establishment vote and that sends a message. It also could give him some political capital because he will be holding delegates. Not a bad thing if the primary ends up close enough to use it. Hypothetically (since he is such a longshot) if Paul won, Israel has plenty of sack,plenty of muscle, and plenty more reason to deal with the issue. We would at least want to make sure the Straits of Hormuz are kept navigable if Israel thought they needed to send a powerful message.


on Jan 30, 2012

This kind of stuff really humors me. Don't these people know they are basically being used as lab mice so politicians can learn how best to lie pander to them.

on Jan 30, 2012

Amazing is right. You don't have to listen to much past "Newt isn't just another Washington Insider", hahaha. With the exception of Paul, I don't know of any candidate who doesn't alter their 'beliefs' based on the polls and that should be plane self-defeating if morals or honesty are a major consideration. So maybe people are just incapable of discovering things for themselves and just have to have a nose ring to function, go figure. Just think of the fun we could have hahaha, were we there. Bet we wouldn't get a second question though.

PS: I did not make the title block hahaha. We need our Constitution back, whaaa...

on Jan 30, 2012

With the exception of Paul, I don't know of any candidate who doesn't alter their 'beliefs' based on the polls and that should be plane self-defeating if morals or honesty are a major consideration.

There are maybe a handful of politicians (at the national level) left who are willing to say it like they actually see it. If you don't walk the same walk and talk the same talk you don't get support from "The Party". Paul is in a unique situation. His is established and he gets enough financial support from outside the Republican Party. He gets it from libertarians. The Republican Party ( Democratic Party as well) as an institution is all about money and power and not much more. Since Paul walks the same walk on many financial issues they accept him to a certain degree. The social issues to the parties are simply game play to buy voters so the Republican Party  can look the other way with Paul on social issues because they really don't care about the social issues aside from keeping them unresolved so that the public might actually think they have a  reason to vote for them.

Morals and honesty are of little concern to most politicians. It's strictly about money and power for many. Another example of an institution gone wrong. If you don't lie cheat and steal you don't win. Same thing as the corporation. If you don't lie cheat and steal to max profits you don't have a job if because the competition is more willing to lie cheat and steal.

on Jan 31, 2012

Just think of the fun we could have hahaha, were we there. Bet we wouldn't get a second question though.

I bet I'd get edited out of the video and you'd get thrown out with police escort

on Feb 04, 2012

I watch a lot of his stuff. He is very good at calling things how he sees it. The question is whether his solutions are good or not or even more so whether he could deliver on them. He won't have the congress to do much of anything in the first place?
We have been playing this political game forever. Would have, could have or should have … and this leads us to where we are now … nowhere. The mind set in our government is corrupt beyond salvage unless we do something drastic. Electing more of the (about) same is not going to help in the long run. I do not think Paul would be anyone’s ‘mouthpiece’ and that sure would be refreshing for a change. The Constitution may be old but what do rights have to do with age. I for one would not like to let the smooth talking buffoons that pretend to be politicians get their slippery claws into a rewrite … would you? And if we are not foolish enough to allow this … what else is there to champion? He wasn’t the only one to see what was coming down the pike. But he was the only politician (?) that went on the record in advance of the events. What if he were at least listened to way back then … or now?

on Feb 14, 2012
Did Romney force Catholic hospitals to provide Plan B?

“People say that Mitt Romney is a flip-flopper,” Doyle said. “ I think that’s very unjust. I think he’s been a very consistent politician. He consistently works both sides of the street on the same issue. He is consistently cynical and expedient and self-serving.”

Doyle said, “While what Obama is doing certainly is an assault on our consciences, I’m not sure Governor Romney is the person to assert that, given his record.”

on Aug 17, 2012


Quoting Anthony R,
All this seems somewhat pointless now as Romney is all but inevitable
Seems to me that Anthony was correct in his assumption and y'all  were WRONG!


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