keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Published on August 31, 2012 By Anthony R In Current Events

This won't take long. It will kick off with 2 hours of Islamic Jumma prayers, it will feature hours of Bush bashing and Obama boasting of his accomplishments. There will be intermittent outbursts from people cheering their own destruction, and the curtain will fall to thunderous applause and Oprah crying her eyelashes off.

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on Aug 31, 2012

I'm gonna watch it. 


on Aug 31, 2012

Obama's campaign theme is "Together, we're moving the country forward". 




on Aug 31, 2012

lol its forward if we're going off a cliff!  Instead of the usual balloon and confetti drop the Dems should shower their delegates with morning after pills and condoms.

on Sep 01, 2012

Anthony R
the Dems should shower their delegates with morning after pills and condoms.

Don't give em'any ideas! 

Let's see if they address any of the things Mr. Roberts brings up ....

Left Click Your Mouse Here: Mr. Scam Man

on Sep 04, 2012

First thing I noticed is the setting for the DNC. They have remodeled the Bank of America stadium. 

The colors for the RNC were red, white and blue, and from what I've seen so far, the Dem's colors are grey, black and blue. 

on Sep 04, 2012

It will kick off with 2 hours of Islamic Jumma prayers,

Hmmm....speaking of things Islam....

I just found this...

on Sep 04, 2012

Are you (we) better off today then you (we) were four years ago? 


Today, the Democrat National Convention opened and today, the national debt clock hit 16 Trillion dollars.

According to Lou Dobbs, Fox Business Channel....

The average income four years ago was $49,600 and today it's $45,800. 

Today 31% of mortgages are underwater.

Today, there are 46.7 million people on food stamps costing us 75.7 Billion dollars.

Today, the average price for a gallon of gasoline is $3.82. 

on Sep 04, 2012

Where is Joe Biden? I haven't heard anything about his appearance. Plenty about Clinton, but nothing about BIden. 



on Sep 04, 2012

Just listened to Sebelius, Obama's secretary of Health and Human Services, speak. She's a Catholic hypocrite who got on stage and championed the culture of death. 

She said Obama was cracking down on fraud! When? inbetween playing golf and campaigning for another 4 years? 

She pumped up Obamacare especially women's healthcare, (like contraceptives and abortion is truly healthcare, but that's another discussion!). 

The Dems claim the Republicans are waging war on women!!! They really think we are idiots. Pushing the pill is waging war on women. 

Three Things Everyone Should Know about the HHS Mandate


It is a remarkable time in current events when we witness a major media outlet calling out a liberal president for disregarding the moral tenets of the Catholic Church. But that’s exactly what happened when the USA Today editorial board concluded that the Obama administration’s so-called contraceptive mandate “not only crossed the line. It galloped over it.”

The accompanying opposing view authored by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is breath-taking in its audacity. The USA Today editorial actually did a decent job of debunking three lines of defense that the Obama administration is spouting. While a much longer treatment is called for, here’s three quick facts that everyone should know:

1) It’s an abortifacient mandate; not just a “contraceptive mandate.” The HHS rule requires large employers to provide insurance for free sterilizations, abortion-inducing drugs, and artificial contraceptives. Our side would do well to refer to it as the “abortifacient mandate.”

2) The religious exemption is absolutely meaningless. The so-called religious exemption is written so narrowly that, as one commentator noted, even Jesus and his twelve disciples wouldn’t qualify. Here’s why: A “religious employer” is defined in the rule as an organization that meets all four of the following criteria: (1) the organization’s purpose is the inculcation of religious values (Catholic food banks are out); (2) the organization primarily employs persons who share the religious tenets of the organization (Catholic universities are out); (3) the organization serves primarily persons who share the religious tenets of the organization (Catholic hospitals are out); and (4) the organization is a nonprofit that is a house of worship or religious order. Given that houses of worship and religious orders exist with a mission to serve the least amongst us regardless of their faith, that means requirement (3) is not met, so everyone is out.

3) Contraceptive drugs are carcinogenic. It’s one thing for Secretary Sebelius to champion the pill for what she sees as a requirement for women’s freedom and autonomy. That’s an argument for another day. But the secretary goes beyond that to claim that artificial contraceptives “have significant benefits for [women’s] health, as well as the health of their children.” Well. It’s hard to believe that the secretary is not aware that combined estrogen progestogen oral contraceptives (COCs) are classified as “Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization. The American Cancer Society website has published that list, where the pill ranks along side asbestos, coal tar, benzene, and tobacco products.

Secretary Sebelius and the White House claim the HHS mandate “respects” religious liberty. They’ve shown about as much respect for the First Amendment as they have for the truth.



on Sep 04, 2012

I could only take listening to Harry Reid for a few minutes...

He's the leader of the Senate who hasn't passed a budget in 3 years!  


on Sep 04, 2012

They're not in BofA Stadium.  They're in a hockey arena for everything but the Thursday night Coronation.

NBC's Williams, Gregory, Mitchell & Todd falling all over themselves & drooling about what a 'rising star' the Hispanic Mayor of San Antonio is.  Anybody catch how they characterized Rubio?  Or Susana Martinez?  Or Ted Cruz?  Or Brian Sandoval?  Or Luis Fortuno?  So far, all I've heard is 'nothing but tokens'.

I ask sincerely since I didn't watch the first night of the RNC.

on Sep 05, 2012

I watched about 1 minute of Michelle Antoinette and could take no more. There was a time when they were watchable. I hope Mitt and Paul landslide these miserable sacks.

on Sep 05, 2012

The polls are so all over the place that I think reality is totally eluding them.  My gut says Mitt wins big, that the media echo chamber has them convinced BO will hang on by the skin of his teeth if they can somehow drag him over the finish line.

A little OT, but here's a hysterical critique of Mitt's acceptance speech.

on Sep 05, 2012

And another take from a... slightly different angle, but still hysterical.

on Sep 05, 2012

A little OT, but here's a hysterical critique of Mitt's acceptance speech.

First line says Republicans like to use words which remind everyone that Obama is Black.

How can that be when Obama's mother was White and his father was Arab...maybe a smidgeon of Black from someone?  



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