keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Published on August 24, 2008 By Anthony R In Politics

I thought that McCain would pick Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, but after Obama insanely picked Joe Biden, a move which insults the Clintons and dramatically undermines a message of change, I think Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin moves to the top of the list. A woman like Palin could woo Hilary supporters and turn the tide toward McCain.

on Aug 24, 2008

I still think he's going to go with Romney.  McCain needs Michigan and Romney should help there. 

on Aug 24, 2008

go with Romney.

Oh god I hope not... that would probably be a surefire way to lose this thing. Romney outspent his rival by like what? 15 to 1? Even Huckaphoney wiped the floor with him.

on Aug 24, 2008

No one votes for #2 anyway.  I guess we'll have to wait and see who he picks and whether it helps or hurts him.  I do think the fact that Biden isn't that much younger than McCain helps McCain.  It's hard to attack him on the age issue when your VP is only a few years younger.  The age thing irritates me anyway McCain could easily live another 20 plus years.  McCain's mom is still kicking it. 

on Aug 25, 2008

No one votes for #2 anyway.

But they do vote against it.  I may have voted for Obama until he showed us all that his "change" is just his diapers with the pick of one of the most croniest of democrats left in the senate (that still has a brain and is not a Grand Kleagle).

But even then I think you are wrong.  Just look to 72 to see where it sometimes can get votes - albeit in a losing effort.

on Aug 26, 2008

Actually, a lot of Conservatives like Romney and feel that would help bring Conservatives who don't always like McCain into the fold.  Palin, would, however, have the same effect on Conservatives, they like her just as well, so you may have a point.

on Aug 29, 2008

And it is indeed Palin.  Nice call, there.  I haven't heard Conservatives so excited about the race, well at all this time around.  This could be a turning point.

on Aug 30, 2008

I haven't heard Conservatives so excited about the race, well at all this time around. This could be a turning point.

It may not be a turning point, but one thing is correct.  You are right, it has brough the conservatives back to McCain (at least the republican ones).  I am now leaning McCain, where as a week ago I was leaning Obama.