keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Published on September 18, 2008 By Anthony R In Internet

Gateway Pundit has revealed all the details. The name of the Sarah Palin E-mail hacker/lamer is David Kernell, and he is (not surprisingly), the son of a Tennessee Dem State Rep.

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on Sep 21, 2008

*Pixeleo hates politics. It makes people vent out the wrong feelings on the wrong times.*

More often than not it makes people vent out of the 'wrong' orifice ....

on Sep 22, 2008

Testing to see if this should be above.... Ok, seemed to work but the line above was next to the video when it should have been below it.

on Sep 22, 2008

cute clip Bebi.....reminded me of the Dr Who Angel statues episode....blink...and they're

on Sep 22, 2008

cute clip Bebi.....reminded me of the Dr Who Angel statues episode....blink...and they're

I thought the same thing when I watched the clip too! That was like the only ep of Dr Who I've seen, my uncle forced me to watch it.

on Sep 22, 2008

Starkers: You haven't seen me hardy, ya dinna ken! She seems very nice to me.

Ah ha, but I have seen RoseNell, and yes, she is a very lovely lady. We have met and spoken many a time in the screenshot gallery and I consider her a friend... and as far as I'm concerned, RoseNell has more poise, grace, dignity and integrity in her little finger than Sarah Palin has in her whole body.


..................................... RoseNell for VP....Oh Heck, RoseNell for President ...........................


*Pixeleo hates politics. It makes people vent out the wrong feelings on the wrong times.*

Yup, some people take politics and Party preferences far too seriously, and yes, it is sad to see people arguing, fighting and name calling over it... but then, maybe there wouldn't be so much community anger if the politicians did the right thing and not brtray the voters with broken promises, ill conceived policies and giving themselves fat pay rises while the majority of voters are doing it real tough.

I don't like politicians any more than the next person, and I will take tongue in cheek pot shots at them at every opportunity, but one thing I will never do is become angered or aggressive over somebody elses political views, the resulting hostility and unpleasantness is/would never be worth it.

on Sep 22, 2008

Well said Starkers.

No mater what anothers beliefs or opinions are, they have the right to think and believe as they wish. In this day and age of enlightnment and tollerance, no one has the right to impose thier beliefs and or will on others. Those who wish to oppress others are only repressing free will and free speach.

One can argue the points given.. not attack the ones delivering them.

While it is good to see people care about the way our country is run. People should realize forcing ones morality,opinion,political party on others, is the fundimental ideal of dictatorship. When that happens.. all freedom is lost.


There is a difference between possibly swaying a person by educating them to your thoughts and views, over forcing them to submit to your will. One earns respect, the other earns apathy.

on Sep 22, 2008

I don't like politicians any more than the next person, and I will take tongue in cheek pot shots at them at every opportunity, but one thing I will never do is become angered or aggressive over somebody elses political views, the resulting hostility and unpleasantness is/would never be worth it.

Starkers, me m8 as usual has hit the nail on the head!

While it is good to see people care about the way our country is run. People should realize forcing ones morality,opinion,political party on others, is the fundimental ideal of dictatorship. When that happens.. all freedom is lost.

There is a difference between possibly swaying a person by educating them to your thoughts and views, over forcing them to submit to your will. One earns respect, the other earns apathy.

HG, well I maintain "Shouts are heard, whispers listened to."

Civility is the key to Eclectic contribute to 2 threads at once! Ahhhhh....Efficient Discourse!

on Sep 22, 2008

don't like politicians any more than the next person, and I will take tongue in cheek pot shots at them at every opportunity, but one thing I will never do is become angered or aggressive over somebody elses political views, the resulting hostility and unpleasantness is/would never be worth it.

Even if you actually changed something for the better?

No offense but that is the mindset that has enabled the system to give away our freedom and culture to those that whine the loudest. It is easier to give in than fight for what you believe in. As soon as an opponent knows you can't handle confrontation, you lose. You will continue to give in until you have nothing left.

People ( in general) are too stupid to understand the issues so negative attacks are what works. Idiocracy in action. I can't get into the details of the issues right now because Dancing with the Stars is on.

I sit here completely baffled that people are STILL having conversations about Palin. The whole thing is the biggest farce in political history. It is a fucking joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am ashamed of Americans for allowing this to perpetuate. Shame on you all!  If she was ugly, where would we be?

There is a good chance that neither McCain nor Obama will will be alive at the end of their term so the VP candiates are more important than ever.  This election will make Congress more powerful and that doesn't sit very well with me. A bunch of monkeys humping a football comes to mind.



on Sep 22, 2008

It's based on averages ID, just taking ALL the female employees and comparing to the men doesn't do it justice. It depends on what positions they're in, ie: interns vs. top aides.

No, it is based on job for job.  They are not comparing clerks to managers.

Messiah's right. McCain has used the POW story as sort of a shield whenever anyone critisizes him

Point to where he is. If what you say is true, links should be easy to find.  And indeed, you are just proving my point about the first 150 comments.


on Sep 22, 2008

One can argue the points given.. not attack the ones delivering them.


It's a pity the candidates themselves aren't given the same civility.

Unfortunately, it has become 'cool' to launch personal attacks on the candidates appearance, speech, dress, imagined sexual preferences/habits and any other non-political issue related item to try to paint them with as much shit as possible with the intent of making them unworthy of a vote.

My nine year old son wouldn't do that. He shows more maturity in that area than some of the posters on this forum.

Personal attacks shouldn't be tolerated against anyone by those posting on this forum IMO.

on Sep 22, 2008

No offense but that is the mindset that has enabled the system to give away our freedom and culture to those that whine the loudest. It is easier to give in than fight for what you believe in. As soon as an opponent knows you can't handle confrontation, you lose. You will continue to give in until you have nothing left.


There is a difference between defending if even to the death, your opinion ,and getting aggressive if others opinions vary from yours. Understanding that other people may have different opinions etc does not make one weak or conceeding.

Fight to defend your beliefs, opinions, not to make others believe what you want them to. I read nothing in the post that said he willingly offers up his beliefs to the loudest yeller. Simply that he will not yell back or get angered for people having views different from his own.

Typically those who yell the loudest, are the least believing in their own rhetoric.


Is actually the attacking of each other that ruins what could be otherwise real elections/debates on the matters at hand. So caught up in a blaze of slander and smear campaigning, the real issues are muttled in the murk of cameras and lies.


I will not get in to the debate as it were but I will defend every ones rights to post freely and openly their opinions as long as they are civil.

on Sep 22, 2008

So caught up in a blaze of slander and smear campaigning, the real issues are muttled in the murk of cameras and lies.

Excellent point!

on Sep 22, 2008

The saddest part is.. Elections in the media are no more about whos the best candidate for the job. It's all about trashing the other guy.


Voting due to media sensationalism and politicians who lie, has over the years reduced to voting for who ever will screw up the country the least, *as the truth and issues have been lost to the wind*, or if you will, merely choosing the lesser of 2 evils.

on Sep 22, 2008

I can't get into the details of the issues right now because Dancing with the Stars is on.

Say no more...nudge, nudge...wink....know wot I mean?....

on Sep 22, 2008

Typically those who yell the loudest, are the least believing in their own rhetoric.

Did you make that up?

Typically those who yell the loudest are the ones that have been suppressed the longest.


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