keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Published on October 16, 2009 By Anthony R In Politics


White House Communications Director Anita Dunn has called Mao Tse-Tung "her favorite philosopher." I guess that should be shocking. As ultra-liberal John Lennon once said, "if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you aint gonna make it with anyone anyhow." 

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 19, 2009

PS - I apologize for my temper. I don't take kindly to what come off as, bluntly, childish attitudes. What you said was utter bullshit and I just have no tolerance for people who are assholes. That being said though, there's no excuse for letting my temper run rampant.

Good, does that mean we won't have to listen to it again?

Oh, for your education, here are a few people I look up to for various reasons: My mother, grandmother, and sister are first and foremost, primary. Then, there follows (in no particular order): John Lennon, Robert Kennedy, Ansel Adams, John F Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Buddha, Jesus, Anderson Cooper, Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Ghandi, Pope John Paul II, The Dalai Lama, Steve Irwin, Leo Tolstoy, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Thoreau, John Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Christopher Reeves, Susan B Anthony, Guru Nanak, Helen Keller, Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez, W.E.B. Du Bois, Rosa Parks, etc

Typical liberal, want to "educate" me on his role models. So I was right... no daddy (or mother, aunt or uncle) in that list. Sorry.

Read it, and learn a thing or two about who I am, all right? Maybe then, you won't make such foolish comments.

I don't give a damn who you think you are. You used to be Lucas -and he sucked, now your AJ and it's the same thing. Everything I need to know about you, you've made abundantly clear in though your posts. Now I don't want to be rude or childish, don't want to upset delicate sensitivities, so ask me nicely if you want me to tell you what you are, and trust me I've seen plenty of "you", some came around some didn't, you're really not that special outside your small world.

Now if you'd please, I'd like to get back to the topic (which seams to always change and revolve around you). So if you have any other words in defense of of the left wing, communist sympathizer Mrs. Dunn (Whom I could personally care less about who her hero's are, except when she preaches it to high school students) spill it out. Otherwise go read your little red book.

on Oct 19, 2009

Good, does that mean we won't have to listen to it again?


Depends, are you going to intentionally being asshole? Sorry bud, but I don't have the time for the shit you're pulling. The world is full of too much bullshit, hate, ignorance, etc. If you're going to continue to be an ass to me, or act stupid (a la liberal comment), thick skin be damned; I'm going to call you out on it.

Don't like it? Then stop, or go away - your choice Nitro. 



Typical liberal, want to "educate" me on his role models. So I was right... no daddy (or mother, aunt or uncle) in that list. Sorry.

Typical ignorant and assinine remark. You just had to apply it to being a liberal thing didn't you? Geesh, grow some critical thinking skills. 

Yes actually, no father figure. My biological father was a douche and left two weeks after I was born; my first step father was one of the most horrible men (that's not just me saying that btw), and my second and last stepfather had issues and bailed. Honestly, though I am not a religious person by any means, I thank God for this.

My mother, God love her (who mind you is on the list of role models, along with my sister and grandmother - #1), is an amazing woman and was more of a man than any of my step fathers could ever be.




Oh, for your education, here are a few people I look up to for various reasons: My mother, grandmother, and sister are first and foremost, primary. Then, there follows (in no particular order): John Lennon, Robert Kennedy, Ansel Adams, John F Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Buddha, Jesus, Anderson Cooper, Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Ghandi, Pope John Paul II, The Dalai Lama, Steve Irwin, Leo Tolstoy, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Thoreau, John Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Christopher Reeves, Susan B Anthony, Guru Nanak, Helen Keller, Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez, W.E.B. Du Bois, Rosa Parks, etc


Read it again Nitro....jebus.


I don't give a damn who you think you are. You used to be Lucas -and he sucked, now your AJ and it's the same thing. Everything I need to know about you, you've made abundantly clear in though your posts. Now I don't want to be rude or childish, don't want to upset delicate sensitivities, so ask me nicely if you want me to tell you what you are, and trust me I've seen plenty of "you", some came around some didn't, you're really not that special outside your small world.

Obviously, because you've assumed your ass off and made no attempts at any sort of thing. Your bias and intentions are pretty clear to me now; like you said, you don't care. You're going to assume, twist, etc. things as you want just to serve your agenda.I will agree, however,  that people can partly discern others through what they type, but the readers bias, ignorance, educational level, and so on and so forth, come into play.


Now if you'd please, I'd like to get back to the topic (which seams to always change and revolve around you). So if you have any other words in defense of of the left wing, communist sympathizer Mrs. Dunn (Whom I could personally care less about who her hero's are, except when she preaches it to high school students) spill it out. Otherwise go read your little red book.


You're the one that started it by being an utter douche, an asshole. It's not my fault you seem to have a fetish with trashing me. Now if you're willing to act like a big boy, and fucking respect me, then yes, I am willing to continue with the discussion. If not, then frankly, go beat around another bush. I'll just black list you from my blog and you can do the same for me on yours, since we'll have no reason to discuss anything.


Otherwise go read your little red book.

Har har, you are so funny. I guess I forgot to laugh; I just happened to remember that: 1) I'm not a communist. 2) You're being a complete asshole. 3) Of the list of damn of near all of my role models (including Guevara), two or three are "communist." That would be Chavez and Geuvara. Malcolm X was under the suspicion of the FBI as being one, but I don't remember if anything was confirmed. My guess is that he may have been. You would think that a communist sympathizer would have more communist role models than that, right?



on Oct 19, 2009

I'm not going to sit and listen to any idiot defend Mao, when my wife grew up there during the Cultural Revolution with first hand knowledge of his wisdom in addition to half my military service during the cold war. So yes my "stupid" remark is for dumb shits that don't have the slightest clue what they love to represent because they never experienced anything (here's that "ignorance" you mention) other that "privileges" someone else paid for, often in blood. You can take your quasi-socialist drivel somewhere else, where it can be ignored. Self serving bastards.


Like I said, you're entitled to your opinion, but if you're not going to be civil and respectful - then go to hell. The reason I called your comment is that you are, yet again, bunching together things that really shouldn't be bunched together. You're generalizing, which is illogical/fallacious.


You don't think I know what has happened under communism? Good gawd.... You know,'re just too clouded, and I'm just not able to explain what I mean to you.


Have a nice day and be well, thank you for your service. (I genuinely mean it btw)


Love, ~ Your JU ""left-wing, socialist/communist sympathizer."" AJ


Again, take care.

on Oct 19, 2009

Typical liberal, want to "educate" me on his role models. So I was right... no daddy (or mother, aunt or uncle) in that list. Sorry.

Typical ignorant and assinine remark. You just had to apply it to being a liberal thing didn't you? Geesh, grow some critical thinking skills.

Maybe it's because I've only had liberals attempt to educate me about themselves. I have learned things from conservatives and moderates (and indirectly from liberals), I guess they thought other things were more important than info on themselves to pass on.

Yes actually, no father figure. My biological father was a douche and left two weeks after I was born; my first step father was one of the most horrible men (that's not just me saying that btw), and my second and last stepfather had issues and bailed. Honestly, though I am not a religious person by any means, I thank God for this. My mother, God love her (who mind you is on the list of role models, along with my sister and grandmother - #1), is an amazing woman and was more of a man than any of my step fathers could ever be.
Read it again Nitro....jebus.

You are correct, except I admit I didn't read your list in the first place. Why would I read something a person that doesn't deserve my respect tells (not asks) me to? What is important is that I got the gist of it right, Daddy issues. You're a classic example of a man that didn't have a father around to guide you, seen it many times. Nothing wrong with mothers unless they baby one too much.

will agree, however, that people can partly discern others through what they type, but the readers bias, ignorance, educational level, and so on and so forth, come into play.

Typical elitist, superior thing to say. Why do leftists think they have the "intellectual" high ground? But if you must judge me that way my college GPA was 4.0 (that's right no B's no C's, no F's) that includes critical thinking BTW. I didn't however apply myself as hard in high school. Might have something to do with paying for college myself. Anyway, so you know what you can do with your "I'm a smart guy attitude", it doesn't impress me, and I'm always skeptical of people that imply superior intelligence. Your not the only one to pull that around here. I've known folks that never finished high school that have more sense than people with doctorates.

Now if you're willing to act like a big boy, and fucking respect me, then yes,

No, see reason below. And you can save you're line above for one of your playmates.

It's not my fault you seem to have a fetish with trashing me.

Not at all, it brings me no joy whatsoever. I oppose anyone that pisses on the memory of my colleagues that fought communism. Call it a selfish quirk if it suits you.

Otherwise go read your little red book.

Har har, you are so funny. I guess I forgot to laugh

Thanks! As they say "All work and no play..."

You would think that a communist sympathizer would have more communist role models than that, right?

You'd think. Even Mao's role model (according to him) was Geo. Washington, guess you do have something in common. One communist murderer is one too many for a role model IMO. While it's normal to admire (skillful)enemies/adversaries it never right to elevate them to shinning examples for our children to model. 

Like I said, you're entitled to your opinion, but if you're not going to be civil and respectful - then go to hell

You have to earn my respect (which isn't difficult), and you're not. As I know my personal accomplishments and am quite comfortable with it,  I'm not looking for your respect. It's meaningless to me. You seem to crave respect as if that is some sort of vindication or something. Do something for your country besides whine about it, or champion its enemies then we'll talk. 

You don't seem the religious type (me either) so your hell might just be a place without a cell phone, or were someone breaks a nail everyday. I'll take my chance.

Love, ~ Your JU ""left-wing, socialist/communist sympathizer."" AJ

There now, was it too hard to come out and admit what most everyone already knows here???

In closing, black list me if you like, I won't lose a seconds sleep. I won't be black listing you however, never liked censorship. Another quirk.

on Oct 19, 2009

I think Nitro Cruiser has gotten too personal and should be banned.

on Oct 19, 2009

Sorry Tony for the distractions.

I'm seeing a clip now about Dunn explaining how they manipulated the media during the campaign (Obama's team). This must be sending a warm fuzzy through Obama's news outlets.

on Oct 19, 2009

I think Nitro Cruiser has gotten too personal and should be banned.


Infidel do you need a tissue? Here's a penny for what you think.

on Oct 19, 2009

Sorry Tony for the distractions.

Its ok Nitro, but I would hate to see anyone get banned because of a flamewar in a thread I started, so I wish everyone would just try to get along here somehow.

on Oct 19, 2009

I think Nitro Cruiser has gotten too personal and should be banned.

I disagree; personally, I don't think anyone should be banned for their opinions, even if tempers flare or whatever else; however, it is not up to me.





on Oct 20, 2009

Its ok Nitro, but I would hate to see anyone get banned because of a flamewar in a thread I started, so I wish everyone would just try to get along here somehow.

Despite appearances it's not in my interest to flame anyone, including AJ. He may not appreciate my frankness, but at least he getting it put to him straight and upfront. I'm sure he feels he is doing the same. I'm hardly angry or upset, quite the opposite. So I'll let it lay at that. The topic is of interest and I really would hate to see it devolve into a sideshow. So back to the topic, it seems to be gaining steam in the media.

on Oct 20, 2009

Despite appearances it's not in my interest to flame anyone, including AJ. He may not appreciate my frankness, but at least he getting it put to him straight and upfront. I'm sure he feels he is doing the same. I'm hardly angry or upset, quite the opposite. So I'll let it lay at that. The topic is of interest and I really would hate to see it devolve into a sideshow. So back to the topic, it seems to be gaining steam in the media.


I don't know about that, heh. I do have to say though that you're likely one of the most stubborn people I've met (take it as a compliment).

So anyways, where were we?


on Oct 24, 2009

I had a thought Nitro. What are you thoughts concerning how some media personalities have tossed around communism, mao, socialism, and so on so forth. Heck, there was a claim that our country is becoming communistic. I seem to remember you and others calling people who claimed that we were in a dictatorship under Bush, crazy. That he was no dictator, and to call him that was assinine and trivialized the true dictatorships that happened and the crimes they committed. Tell me, are you the same way with them throwing the term around? They claim we are either heading that way, or are....does that not trivialize the pain and suffering that went on under those regimes? 


Just curious. 



on Oct 24, 2009

What are you thoughts concerning how some media personalities have tossed around communism, mao, socialism, and so on so forth.

Well to satisfy your curiosity why don't you look at it for yourself. I highlighted your words above, because it says a lot where your mind is at. You seem to think these "media personalities" are "tossing" around accusations, but in reality they are just replaying videos of these folks implicating themselves in front of what they probably assumed to be as friendly or harmless audiences (there is no such thing). Now if your under the impression these video's are faked somehow, that's an entirely different issue. The only thing I can conclude by your words is you have doubts these people say these things on camera or think it's no big deal at all. People have different levels of what matters.

When you come across something like this, reverse it and see how it sounds to you. Imagine if someone in the last administration said they admired Genghis Khan. Don't you think MSNBC, NBC, CNN and Jon Stewart would have it on a loop? Sure they would, and rightly so.

on Oct 24, 2009

Nitro, the question pertains to you, I cannot find the answer. It's a personal question. 



on Oct 24, 2009

Nitro, the question pertains to you, I cannot find the answer. It's a personal question

My opinion shouldn't concern you, since it won't influence you. I believe if you read the early parts of this thread my opinion should be obvious. I do exactly what I suggested you do, look at what each person says about themselves, not the news outlet playing the video or the commentator. Am I glad these outlets show this material? Yes I am. Not everyone can go to these speaking engagements, so I can see their lips move and hear their words and judge if I like what I'm hearing or not.

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