keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Published on January 8, 2011 By Anthony R In Current Events

I was just getting all revved up to watch the wild card playoffs when this horrific News of a shooting came across the wire. I'm not all that familiar with Gabrielle Giffords, but it seems like shes a good old fashioned Democrat and an all around good lady. Reports say she was hit point blank in the head. Now reports that she has died. This is a sad day. I hope they give this cowardly killer a swift trip to the electric chair.

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on Jan 09, 2011


Nuts are nuts. They come in all colors, flavors, religions (don't get me started), political "beliefs", name it.

The Republican/Democrat thing has NOTHING to do with it, and thoroughly disgusts me to hear.


on Jan 09, 2011

Infidel wasted no time dipping his hands in Giffords' blood & waving them to score self-righteous political points.  Just like the rest of the rabid left who are incapable of thinking before speaking.

The only thing as predictably sick and disgusting as the act perpetrated by this irrational brain-damaged soul, Loughner, is the knee-jerk idiocy of the likes of Infidel, heil_whoever, Krugman, Fonda and Olbermann.  Not to mention the pathetic sheriff.  The depth of moral depravity to which they've chosen to sink is breathtaking.

Have your fun prancing on the bodies, including that of a 9 year old, you dishonest, sick, despicable twits.  The more you do it, the more you isolate yourselves from reality and rational humans.

on Jan 09, 2011

Island Dog
There was no "call of violence" on the right for Giffords, and there was no crosshairs painted on her forehead from Palin.  You are referring to a vague campaign image which used crosshairs as a political metaphor.  Do you understand that has been going on for decades?  This is really pathetic coming from the left.


Also heil_stardock.  You need to change your username asap.


and thanks for changing usernames on a whim, you rightwing murderer endorsing nut.

on Jan 09, 2011


only 16 more to go.

on Jan 09, 2011

Keep it up, you're just confirming what we already know about you.

I'm sure one of the "16 more to go" will be the DNC's "Targeting Strategy" map.

on Jan 09, 2011

Reading it and understanding it is somewhat different than listing it on a reading list as a favorite

It certainly is. But putting in into a favorite list alongside a lot of science fiction and fantasy novels might tell you something even different.

Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Wizard Of OZ, Aesop Fables, The Odyssey, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland, Fahrenheit 451, Peter Pan, To Kill A Mockingbird, We The Living, Phantom Toll Booth, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Pulp,Through The Looking Glass, The Communist Manifesto, Siddhartha, The Old Man And The Sea, Gulliver's Travels, Mein Kampf, The Republic, Meno

And the kids past as more and more becomes available will tell us something even different.

This kid is lost, on hallucinogenics, ill ? Who knows, maybe time will tell.

on Jan 09, 2011

LOL.  Heil you are pathetic attempt.  Either one of those has no association to murdering someone.  Your sir, are the problem on the left.  Did you also know that the DailyKos had a "target" on Giffords?


I don't blame the Dailykooks, because I'm smart enough to know that just like the Palin graphic, it was not meant to be taken so extreme.  Only liberals come to that conclusion.


on Jan 09, 2011

and thanks for changing usernames on a whim, you rightwing murderer endorsing nut.

You can also thank me for removing you from here as well.


on Jan 09, 2011

On another note, I was looking through Twitter yesterday and a great majority of people on the right side of things were offering prayers and support to the people affected through the tragedy.

Taking a look on the left side it was nothing but hate.

Lets also remember that the Fort Hood shooting, the Time Square bombing attempt, etc. were vigorously defended by the left that islamists were not involved.  However, when it involves something like this they are quick to attack their fellow Americans.  Then again, what do I expect from the party who is opposed to reading the Constitution.


on Jan 09, 2011

Taking a look on the left side it was nothing but hate.

Most normal people were only concerned about the victims of this horrific act, but the lefts main priority was scrambling to turn this sociopath murderer into a right wing nut... and not just a right wing nut, but one that was motivated and inspired by Palin, Beck, Limbaugh and the tea-party. They've been working on this narrative for 2 years now and they really sprung to complete it without a shred of evidence. Very sad and extreme political rhetoric from the left. They've definitely outdone themselves here.

on Jan 09, 2011

Island Dog
and thanks for changing usernames on a whim, you rightwing murderer endorsing nut.

You can also thank me for removing you from here as well.


no problem, asshole.

Playing ban-those-i-disagree-with again, eh?

you're probable more at home in some nice fascist country instead of something like the usa.

better move, because no matter what you do, nazi america won't happen.

on Jan 09, 2011

Now I don't care who you are, that's funny.  So long again, fyid.

on Jan 09, 2011

Looks like ID caused the latest left winger implosion... its usually me

on Jan 09, 2011

they say you don't know what a teabag is made out of until it's put in hot water.  Looks like this teabag's contents have been exposed and it's found to be quite tasteless. 



on Jan 09, 2011

Typical hate of the left, just look at it.  And for the record you were removed for your personal attack.


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