Hard to believe ten years have already passed since the Sept, 11th attacks. I can still remember the first time I visited the Trade Center as a kid on a school field trip. I remember how the elevators took us up to the top really fast and how we made our way over to the windows where we all looked out over Manhattan. There was a certain wonder to it all. Its kind of eerie to think of that day now. How we all stood there as kids, excited by the tall buildings and the sights, never quite realizing the history that was to come. We were totally unaware that we were standing in such a doomed place. A place where so many people would perish. A place where ordinary people, firefighters, cops, and paramedics would suddenly find themselves on the frontline of a war. A place where so many of them would lay down their lives with such incredible valor. As long as I'm alive, I wont forget that place or what they did there.