keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Published on January 22, 2012 By Anthony R In Current Events

Wow, the people of South Carolina are an embarrassment. First, they vote for 2 terms of Lindsey Grahamnesty and now this. Newt Gingrich. I don't think I could muster a vote for Gingrich. His ethics violations, slimy personal behavior, and duplicitous nature, such as sitting on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi to sound the alarm for global warming and more recently attacking Mitt Romney with what could for all intents and purposes be an Obama attack ad against Bain Capital. Its too early to get rattled, but I'm almost positive I would sit it out if Gingrich were the candidate. Hes slightly less slimy than Obama, but not by much. They should start taking samples of the water in SC to see if any toxins are seeping into the supply.

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