keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Brietbart just suddenly dies at 41
Published on March 1, 2012 By Anthony R In Current Events

I guess I shouldn't be so shocked, but even more shocking than the sudden death of Andrew Brietbart was the stunning messages of hate I saw earlier in the day on Yahoo and other places. I actually think that's why the Yahoo message board is down and unavailable for use right now. Even the left wingers at Yahoo were probably shocked at the grave dancing. One message was kind of ironic with the poster claiming that "hate killed him." It was strange that a person dancing on another persons grave was in a position to condemn another person for engaging ion "hate". I wonder what really happened to Brietbart. I'm not a huge conspiracy guy, but he recently claimed to have a film that would "expose just how radical" Obama really was. I guess we'll never see it now. The Chicago way?

on Mar 02, 2012

Apparently it wasn't so 'sudden' - he'd reportedly had some issues with heart disease of some sort, as long as a year ago.

I suspect he wasn't the sole individual with knowledge of the videos he referred to at CPAC.  I imagine they'll see the light of day at some point.  I expect he planned to use them at a time he deemed 'optimal', since that's the MO of the left, to sit on shit till opportunity for ambush is ripe.