keep your friends close but your enemies closer

Now that we are doomed to another 4 years of Obama, we waste no time in a bitter and partisan battle over the so called "fiscal cliff". There's no shortage of stories depicting the Republicans as a dying and fractured party even though the Republicans have more Governors now than at any time since the 1960's and full control of the US House of Representatives, which controls the purse. Hardly a party in its death throes or on the fringes. The control of the purse is a powerful thing as illustrated in the early 70's when House Democrats ended funding for the Vietnam war and brought it to a close. So what should Republicans do against a completely radical propagandist who seeks more political revenge than actual solutions to Americas problems, most of which he created himself? I agree with Rand Paul's idea. Republicans should just vote present, let the Democrats hike the taxes, and then march out gangnam style washing their hands of the whole debacle and force the Democrats to own it. This way Democrats will be the party of disastrously high taxation and won't be able to demagogue Republicans as rich blue bloods who are murdering the middle class.

on Dec 07, 2012

I am torn. On the one hand, I have no confidence in the house leadership to stand up to Obama and the democrats (even though they were elected to do just that).  So just step aside.


On the other, the deeper Obama digs the hole, the longer it will take to get out.  And I do not have  a long time left.

on Dec 07, 2012

The horse is already out of the barn, its only a question of who gets blamed for it when it all hits the fan. If Republicans start making speeches as to why they need to prevent higher taxes on 2% of America it puts them in a tough spot, while stepping aside without touching it allows Obama to dig deeper. I wonder if Harry Reid can even get the votes in the Senate if the House Republicans vote present. It would be interesting to see if the Democrats are willing to even go through with it as the policy would be a disaster.

on Dec 12, 2012

Anthony R
It would be interesting to see if the Democrats are willing to even go through with it as the policy would be a disaster.

nah!  They would just blame Bush (still are too).

on Dec 14, 2012

Both houses of Congress need to get their shit together, on both sides of the aisle, and deal with the major problems we have in this country.


Yeah, I know, ain't gonna happen. It would be nice though.