A very interesting phenomenon takes place when one goes on Facebook to find liberal friends and family members pouring their livers out with the most vile accusations against people who voted for Trump. They claim a Trump voter was motivated by racism, sexism, and various other offenses they conjure up, or copy and pate from Rachael Maddow and Van Jones, cause they can hardly generate their own thoughts, apparently.
They are perfectly comfortable hurling completely unfounded and vile accusations against people on their list. Every motive is assigned to a Trump voter other than the obvious, which is that Obama's 8 year agenda is now seen by most Americans as not only a wrecking ball that left our nation up to our necks in shit, but to the Democratic party itself, leaving their entire bench of representatives wiped out for a decade, or more, and more Republicans in office than any time in my lifetime. Obama's demolition of our country was promptly being followed up with an attempt to install two of the most corrupt liars in the history of politics, which is Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Those of us who voted for Trump weren't responsible for putting up an extremist candidate like Clinton who came out in favor of partial birth abortion either. This debate moment when Clinton advocated the barbaric procedure of partial birth abortion caused gasps throughout America, and it shocked the conscience of even the most loyal rank and file Dems who were told by their church that a vote for Clinton would put their mortal souls in jeopardy. So now, according to convulsing and unhinged liberals, millions of Americans who dared to give Donald Trump the opportunity to save our country from traitor politicians who threw us all overboard 30 years ago are now "racists".
Well, we did it, and we wouldn't change our mind no matter how much of a collective tantrum is being thrown. Its also worth noting that most conservatives would never go on Facebook and accuse their friend list of being neanderthals, racists, or somehow motivated by anything other than their personal interests and having their voices heard by representatives who have at the very least; a slight curiosity about the will of the people, but that's an entirely different post.