Gateway Pundit has revealed all the details. The name of the Sarah Palin E-mail hacker/lamer is David Kernell, and he is (not surprisingly), the son of a Tennessee Dem State Rep.
A total lie and you know it. The fetal DNA has genetic markers that identify it as the offsping of the father and mother, but the DNA itself is niether the mothers or the fathers. For that matter YOUR DNA has the same sort of genetic markers, yet your DNA identifies you and all your parts as an individual human being. Using your logic, you are half your mother and she should be able to kill you.
The uterus belongs to the mother, but not a single blood cell; lung or intestinal tissue belong to the mother. The food eaten by the mother does transfer through the placenta, but no cell of the mother actually enters the fetus. In fact, if the mothers' cells do get through the semipermeable membrane of the placenta, the fetus's life is endangered.
When Roe Vs. Wade was decided, there was reason to believe that a fetus isn't an individual human being. However, no scientific definition of life and species backs any argument that the fetus isn't a human being, or that it isn't alive.
Like all bigotry, it is only perpetuated through voluntary ignorance.
i have to reply to this 'race card' crap about Obama. sorry. has everyone forgotten the man's mother is white? did anyone see the small protest yesterday (maybe it was Thursday) where a few Negroes held up signs stating Obama was a member of the KKK? how can the man be a racist when he gets it from both sides?
parated, you vote for the person at the top of the ticket, not the second tier! also, if your daughter is raped, would you want her to keep the child? i am pro-choice but there has to be limitations. rape and incest are definitely two reasons to terminate the pregnacy, don't you think?
about 'troopergate', if there's nothing to hide, why not come forward and talk about it? she's had 3 or 4 different reasons for firing the head of alaska's state troopers now, hasn't she? keep in mind, of the 14 legislators on that comittee, only 3 or 4 are democrats. if there are any dnc lawyers in alaska, i'm sure there's just as many if not more gop laywers there, too.
there are things about Obama i don't care for, i admit. there is NOTHING about McCain that i like, though. until his recent flips on numerous policies and beliefs, i respected the man but not now. hell, he flips twice in the same day over some things! i respected him even though i didn't often agree with him. and i'm sorry but just because the man was a POW doesn't make him a better candidate for President or make him a better leader. speaking of his POW experience, his stories about that change quite often.
Old Timer,
First off, I could give a shit if my statement pisses you off. Secondly, I served proudly in the United States Marines for eight years. I've put myself in plenty of danger and sacrificed plenty for my country and my family. The fact that I served and the fact that I am an American give me the right to make any statement I want. I too served because I felt it was an obligation and duty. I fully realize what John McCain, my father and many, many others endured. However, I still feel that his trials as a POW should not be used as a basis for his campaign. Period. I'm not downplaying the fact that he was a POW, all I'm saying is I'm sick of hearing about it everyday over and over and over again.
I am voting for the Snidely-Bulma ticket, and anyone who doesn't like it is jest itchin' fur a fight!
And I served in the Israel Defense Forces, Old Timer (just in case you were planning to ask). If m1's answer doesn't please you, then don't be pleased twice.
M1 has his right to believe as he wishes, and I'll fight for that right. Being a POW is a lonely, hard and terrible thing. Sen. McCain, just like everyone in that situation broke. That doesn't mean he's less a man nor more. It doesn't make his views more or less valid than anyone else's. I say my "thank you" to all who served, and I hope they respect my service as well. I served in the IDF during Viet Nam because I felt Israel was in more danger than the USA, but members of my family have served with honor in every conflict from the Revolution on. That doesn't give me any special rights or entitlements, nor does it qualify me (any more than it qualifies McCain) for office. The fact that my ancestor wrote the Mayflower Compact doesn't mean jack squat, and doesn't make me more qualified to high office than anyone else.
What I'm trying to get to (probably without much success) is that Messiah1, me, you and everyone here if a citizen fulfilling the Constitutional requirements could run for office if he/she wished and has a right to believe as he/she wishes. Being a POW, totured or not doesn't make one more or less qualified.
A clip 'round the ear-hole does wonders.
That supercillious swagger of a waddle was just asking for a slap....
that clip of the penguins is my favorite animated gif on the net. i love that clip!
ParaTed: I'm an M.D., and I'm telling you that the fetal DNA is 1/2 the father's and 1/2 the mother's, and the mitochondrial DNA is 100% the maternal mitochondrial DNA. Like it or not, believe it or not, I couldn't care less. That's the way it is. Period.
The world is round and rotates around the sun (another fun fact).
The penguin clip is the ultimate classic. Me likes you, Snidely. Me votes 4 U!
The penguin that takes the shot (I have from an impeccable source) is Aussie....and returning to "Down Under" (snicker....heee heee).
Score for Jafo. I laughed pretty hard on that. Thanks for injecting some humor in here.
i want to say something about bebi being on the top or bottom (of the ticket) but i'm going to behave. she's younger than my daughter! bebi is a brat, tho. even she would admit to that.
i'm sick. where are my meds?
I am so glad I read this 2 days after posting. FOr then I could see the latest democrat tactic. Let me see if I can reprise the contents of the comments.
1. The Obamabots misdirect to divert people's attention from the fact that it is just another slimy democxrat tactic (hacking of the email) and unfortunately for them this time, illegal (BUSTED).
2. The again are running against Palin and not McCain, why I will never know.
But 3 is a new - at least in being recent
3. Slander McCain for his POW years. Now that is original. And at least they are going after the top of the ticket.
SO the question after reading almost 150 tired same old lies, bullshit, attacks, and slanders, is - WHy are thet democrats doing their damnedest to lose this election? One that Bush has done everything but declare by edict they have won (or should be winning)?
That for all you BOTS is the real question. Anyone with cojones to answer it?
Then you are either an incompetent quack or willing to lie to fit your agenda. Is YOUR DNA half your mothers?
With the first nucleotides, you are right, but after that the cellular mitosis is done between nucleotides of the fetal DNA. The mother doesn't regulate the fetal mitosis, the fetal metabolism or the vital signs.
I can't stand it when educated people throw their degrees around just because their arguments can't stand up to reality.
I feel sorry for your patients. I wonder how many you've killed.
Uh-oh, low blow alert...