keep your friends close but your enemies closer

I don't think its right for Obama and his leftwing buddies to liken Rush Limbaugh to the "20th hijacker," or hope for his kidneys to fail at a public event just because he disagrees with Obama's policies. I once simply disagreed with the Presidents policies, but I am now beginning to loath him in a much more personal way. All in all, this is the most appalling and despicable presidential appearance I have ever seen.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 12, 2009

I think she represented their party quite perfectly.  Hateful, racist (oh, the remarks were about white guys so I guess it can't be racist) blaming Bush for everything even though the same Congress was part of that "previous owner" she mentioned at the end.  I think she played to her audience perfectly.  The President sure got a laugh out of the crack about Limbaugh's kidneys failing.  Very classy.

on May 12, 2009

You know...I'm really struggling to not roll my eyes. I want to take the comments as credible and not just utter sillyness (to put it mildly), but I'm failing miserably...*rolls his eyes*


Oi vey, the day we don't have either party...that'll be the day; the parties are the real joke here.



on May 14, 2009

the difference is that it was some random guy off the street and not the ruling administration.

Wasn't it the comedian who made the suss joke about Rush being the 20th hijacker and not Obama? I thought Obama made the yawn-worthy japes about who the media vote for.

on May 14, 2009

Like the 3rd Reich, the Obama administration are firm believers in Marxist philosophy


on May 14, 2009

Yea, I'm sure if someone had said Barak Hussein Obama sounds like the name of the 20th hijacker, no one on the left would have complained...

Remember that during the campaign liberals had a hissy fit over saying his middle name? Sounded too much like he was Muslim I guess!

Face it...we've got double standards for judging behavior...say what you want; judge as you will  against conservatives, but it's paramount to a hate crime if you criticize a liberal.

on May 14, 2009

The world is tough, if you can't deal with this sort of stuff, then what's the point?


The world (Life) has always been tough...

What we see now is a deep, corrosive coarsening of civility of one another.

You know as well as I that had a conservative at Bush's press bash "joked" about some liberal's lack of sexual morality by getting AIDS or an STD, there would have been a media outrage.

What we saw and heard was a bunch of liberals with no's so tiresome.

I still recoil from what is so much at home in this age.  

on May 14, 2009

Remember that during the campaign liberals had a hissy fit over saying his middle name? Sounded too much like he was Muslim I guess!

Face it...we've got double standards for judging behavior...say what you want; judge as you will against conservatives, but it's paramount to a hate crime if you criticize a liberal.


Lula, you're right in a sense, but you can and should expand that to conservatives as well.



The world (Life) has always been tough...

What we see now is a deep, corrosive coarsening of civility of one another.

You know as well as I that had a conservative at Bush's press bash "joked" about some liberal's lack of sexual morality by getting AIDS or an STD, there would have been a media outrage.

What we saw and heard was a bunch of liberals with no's so tiresome.

I still recoil from what is so much at home in this age.


Lula, do you remember the Clinton era? There were conservative folks cracking jokes about him. Is that right? Are they to be fogiven for their, as you would say, lack of class? Please, do not cast the stone at one group when all are falliable and all have gone with the bash bandwagon.


on May 14, 2009

Are they to be fogivin for their, as you would say, lack of class?

Depends on how good the jokes were.

on May 14, 2009

Depends on how good the jokes were.


Heh, perhaps, I honestly don't remember the specific jokes save they likely included Monica, Bill, and the world "is."

It still smacks of double standards, though; they might as well just come out and say, "It's not right if they do it." Where's the consistancy? Perhaps I'm wrong, but I wait to be shown otherwise.



on May 14, 2009

Sykes is not much different than Don Imus.  They get their kicks through blunt and crass comments or jokes.  She has been that way for quite some time and probably will continue that way.

I do find it to be a bit distasteful that she was the featured comic for the WH correspondent dinner but I am obviously not an advisor to the dinner organizer. 

People obviously like to hear such vile jokes and comments.  Even as much disdain I have for what Sykes says, I do support her right to be able to say it. 

Not until she crosses the line into slander or libel, I have nothing else to say.

on May 14, 2009

I think Sykes can be very funny & biting but she misses the mark occasionally, as all comedians do.  She should be free to speak her mind or joke as she wishes, but if David Feherty's remarks in print are so vile as to require retraction or a public apology, then the same should apply to Sykes.  Whether you consider anyone's remarks 'classy' or 'classless' amounts to personal opinion.  I laughed my ass off at George Carlin's 'fuck the children' shtick; what Sykes said could hardly be considered worse than that, even if you don't consider it funny.

I don't believe either should be expected to apologize.  People's skins are way too thin these days, regardless of the skin's color.

on May 14, 2009

I don't believe either should be expected to apologize. People's skins are way too thin these days, regardless of the skin's color.

Here here!

I'll drink to that!

How about a cold one Daiwa?

on May 14, 2009

Sykes is not much different than Don Imus. They get their kicks through blunt and crass comments or jokes. She has been that way for quite some time and probably will continue that way.

I do find it to be a bit distasteful that she was the featured comic for the WH correspondent dinner but I am obviously not an advisor to the dinner organizer.

People obviously like to hear such vile jokes and comments. Even as much disdain I have for what Sykes says, I do support her right to be able to say it.

Not until she crosses the line into slander or libel, I have nothing else to say.


See, I find some of what Sykes does funny. Still, people need to grow a thicker skin and stop with the double standards. Either you support their right to free speech even if it is uncouth, or you don't.

on May 14, 2009

Not until she crosses the line into slander or libel, I have nothing else to say.

She did cross the line only the bar has been changed since liberals are running Washington. Liberals get away with doing/saying classless things. Pelosi's been lying about being made aware of torture many times now she can't keep her lies straight...and still...the liberal media is giving her a pass...I'd have never known if I just watch the alphabet channels for news. It's disgusting.

Same thing with many of you know that she lied while under testimony?

When Congressman Chris Smith questioned Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last month over the Obama administration's commitment to dismantling pro-life laws around the world, Clinton gave an impassioned response for "reproductive rights" that included a description of women in a Brazil hospital she witnessed, "fighting for their lives" after botched abortions.  However, when the National Catholic Register asked for details on the trip, Clinton's staff refused to substantiate the claimed visit.

"When I think about the suffering that I have seen of women around the world - I've been in hospitals in Brazil where half the women were enthusiastically and joyfully greeting their babies, and the other half were fighting for their lives against botched abortions," Secretary Clinton told Smith in a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing April 22. (See:

Department of State spokeswoman Laura Tischler told the Register yesterday that she was "unable to confirm where or when the trip she referred to in her testimony was - where specifically in Brazil she was visiting or when the trip occurred."

Tischler said she referred the question to Clinton's personal staff for a response, but was declined any information to substantiate the visit.



on May 15, 2009

Daiwa, I am the last person to find it "offensive"... It is not that my feelings are hurt, but rather that I find it scary and wrong that our rulers would make such jokes. Sure people might, and it would have been actually pretty damn funny to see her to that as a stand up routine. But televising the president and his inner circle gaffawing at her "jokingly" wishing death on their detractors is reminiscent of a lot of evil.

It could be all coincidence but the similarities are too striking and worrying.

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