keep your friends close but your enemies closer

I don't think its right for Obama and his leftwing buddies to liken Rush Limbaugh to the "20th hijacker," or hope for his kidneys to fail at a public event just because he disagrees with Obama's policies. I once simply disagreed with the Presidents policies, but I am now beginning to loath him in a much more personal way. All in all, this is the most appalling and despicable presidential appearance I have ever seen.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 15, 2009

She did cross the line only the bar has been changed since liberals are running Washington. Liberals get away with doing/saying classless things. Pelosi's been lying about being made aware of torture many times now she can't keep her lies straight...and still...the liberal media is giving her a pass...I'd have never known if I just watch the alphabet channels for news. It's disgusting.

Lula, if the line was crossed I can assure you that there will be lawsuits!

Even Rush said, 'what should I answer to'  (or so goes my understanding). The point being that he isn't going to pander to their little kool-aid party. People are going to say ugly things.  I've had ugly things said about me.  You've had ugly things said about you. 

I'm not going to run around worrying about what people are saying about me.  I can ONLY control how I act and how I react.  I cannot control others nor would I want that capability. 

Pelosi is getting herself in hot water over this torture issue.  I think this truth commision is going to become the HUSH commission. 

So instead of running around worrying about who said what.

Let's all have a beer.  And for you non-drinkers how about a root beer.



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