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Herr Grahmesty and Schumer want it now
Published on March 11, 2010 By Anthony R In Politics

Senators Chuck U Schumer and Lindsay Grahmnesty have begun a new push for a National ID Card. This is really disturbing to me on so many levels. Its like 1939 Nazi Germany where everyone has to show their papers or something. Our freedoms are being stripped from us by authoritarians on both sides of the isle and its dangerous. When I first read Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty Four as a kid I thought it was a far fetched work of fiction, if we all need to start carrying and presenting national ID cards to buy/sell/work/pass or exist, then the book was actually rather prophetic.

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on Mar 23, 2010

If they would only follow the existing laws on the books their would be no issues. I say hammer the employers, from the guy that hires someone to cut their grass right up to the corporations. Fine the $10K per illegal worker. This will help the deficit, it will also save the taxpayers money, as the illegals will go home on their own, without us paying their transportation. Go home and fix the issues in your own country that caused you to leave, instead of transforming the US into where you came from.

I'd pass a legislation forcing the employers to pay the same salary for all employees, even illegal immigrants. Some sort of law that if an employer is discovered to have hired illegals, he better have paid the same salary than your legal citizen otherwise he would be brough down hard. Hard

That way, the economical advantage to hiring illegals would diminish and there would be less work for them, more work for legals.

It's just that I am sure there are some fuzzy area regarding the illegality of people hiring aliens, otherwise why is it so rampant openly?

on Mar 23, 2010

I'd pass a legislation forcing the employers to pay the same salary for all employees, even illegal immigrants. Some sort of law that if an employer is discovered to have hired illegals, he better have paid the same salary than your legal citizen otherwise he would be brough down hard. Hard

That would go some, but the truth is many of the illegals are very grateful for the opportunity to work, and are excellent workers.  In other words, they would still be hired over americans that think they are owed something.

I think Nitro's solution is better.  Fine the hell out of the companies hiring them.

It's just that I am sure there are some fuzzy area regarding the illegality of people hiring aliens, otherwise why is it so rampant openly?

Ok, Boxer day, Politics style!  Where Conservatives rail against the big bad mean corporations and liberals cry how picked on they are!  Because the reality is just that.  Businesses do it because it is cheap (some are dirty too.  One outfit here called the INS on its workers just days before it finished a major construction project - got out of paying them, the bastards).  So business hires, them and then pays the politicians (wink wink) to look the other way and get a nice big fat contribution.

But the other reason is that there are just so many INS agents, and there are 15 million illegals.  NOt all of them carry a sign designating them as such.

on Mar 23, 2010

It's just that I am sure there are some fuzzy area regarding the illegality of people hiring aliens, otherwise why is it so rampant openly?

In my book illegal is illegal, any employer that hires an illegal is complicit in that crime (aiding and abetting). But to answer your question, it's because of a liberal interpretation of the law. Why do people openly smoke pot in California? Why does criminals that commit crimes with guns get the maximum sentences? Because people are afraid to offend someone. He may have had a troubled childhood or just being a minority can be a good defense.

I know what you will say, he's just railing against liberals again. Really? Just go to some of these liberal organizations and see what they are against, don't take my word for it.

Here's a start

Here's a few of their gems (you can't make this crap up):

  • We demand a socially useful job at union pay levels or a guaranteed dignified income for everyone.
  • We support the establishment of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) to alleviate poverty and homelessness.
  • We call for a 30-hour work week for 40 hours' pay and abolition of forced overtime.
  • We demand a legally mandated annual paid vacation of at least 4 weeks.
  • Abolish all English-only laws and policies, including those of private employers.
  • We call for open borders.
  • We demand an end to deportations of immigrants.
  • We demand full political, social and economic rights for resident non-citizens.
  • Stop state-sponsored spying on and violence against progressive organizations.
  • Democratically-controlled police review boards with powers of subpoena and discipline.
  • Abolish the death penalty.
  • Repeal the Three Strikes law.
  • Stop trials and imprisonment of juveniles as adults.
  • Treatment of prisoners as human beings; rehabilitation, not vengeance.
  • Decriminalize victimless activities including drug use and consensual sex. Legalize marijuana. End the "war on drugs," which is primarily directed against poor and working-class people.
  • Stop unwarranted searches and seizures of persons and property. Restore constitutional rights.
  • Prosecute crimes of the wealthy and powerful against workers and the environment.
  • Freedom for all political prisoners.
  • .....and plenty more of this drivel on their website and hundreds more just like them.
  • These are the folks cheering the Health Care "Reform" bill BTW. Note the how the platform has many similarities to the one that begins with a "D".

    on Mar 23, 2010

    So business hires, them and then pays the politicians (wink wink) to look the other way and get a nice big fat contribution.

    But.. it's a matter for the police to investigate on those case,  not on the politicians covering legistlation. It's about the enforcement of the law, not about the laws overseeing the problem.

    on Mar 23, 2010

    Abolish all English-only laws and policies, including those of private employers.

    You know, we have the same freaking law in Quebec about French, yet you americans keep laughing at us about it.

    Talk about hypocrisy.

    on Mar 23, 2010

    But.. it's a matter for the police to investigate on those case, not on the politicians covering legistlation. It's about the enforcement of the law, not about the laws overseeing the problem

    Well now that we know how it's supposed to work.....

    on Mar 23, 2010


    Abolish all English-only laws and policies, including those of private employers.

    You know, we have the same freaking law in Quebec about French, yet you americans keep laughing at us about it.

    Talk about hypocrisy.

    I don't believe at this point in time, that this group is indicative of most "American's".

    Frankly, concerning French Canadians, I'd be surprised if more than 2% percent of Americans know enough about the issue to have an opinion on it at all.

    on Mar 23, 2010

    Frankly, concerning French Canadians, I'd be surprised if more than 2% percent of Americans know enough about the issue to have an opinion on it at all.

    Indeed. But every single time I've heard it mentionned in any American media, it was to make fun at it.

    In short, mentionned only as a joke point. Funny, as a binlingual country with one culture being afraid to loose it's core identity is exactly Quebec's struggle. Learning about this struggle and know what are the proper steps to preserve your own would actually be helpful to you culture.

    But then again, it's outside of your borders.. so why would the average american care for it's next-door neighbours?

    on Mar 23, 2010

    Well now that we know how it's supposed to work.....


    My point was, you cannot blame the politicians if the police and prosecutors aren't doing their job. Politicians vote laws. They do not enforce it.

    on Mar 24, 2010

    # We support the establishment of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) to alleviate poverty and homelessness.

    I have a feeling that by "support" they don't mean "work to create that income".


    # We call for a 30-hour work week for 40 hours' pay and abolition of forced overtime.

    That doesn't make sense. If people work 30-hour weeks for "40 hours pay", 40 hours pay will simply be the new 30 hours pay.

    The real question is, how would they make 30 hours be equal to 40 hours in value? Will they force people to work harder?


    on Mar 24, 2010

    But.. it's a matter for the police to investigate on those case,  not on the politicians covering legistlation. It's about the enforcement of the law, not about the laws overseeing the problem.

    yes, but who is the boss of the police?  Politicians.  If your boss tells you NOT to do something, you can do it (because it is right) and get fired, or not do it and keep your job.  Wink, Wink.

    That doesn't make sense. If people work 30-hour weeks for "40 hours pay", 40 hours pay will simply be the new 30 hours pay.

    The real question is, how would they make 30 hours be equal to 40 hours in value? Will they force people to work harder?

    As Nitrco said....

    Do not confuse them with facts.  They are not smart enough to understand how stupid they are.  It is like Ted {hic} Kennedy and the Minimum wage law.  They screamed "it must be raised!" and to what?  Why? They raised it to $7.50/hour.  Why?  Why not $10/hr?  $100/hr?  Why are they forcing minimum wage people to live like the poor instead of the wealthy?  The argument always falls apart when you take it to the absurd, because the law is absurd.  It really does not help anyone.  If you make $100/hr the new minimum wage, then bread is going to cost $100/loaf.  People can be duped, but the laws of supply and demand cannot be.

    on Mar 24, 2010

    yes, but who is the boss of the police? Politicians. If your boss tells you NOT to do something, you can do it (because it is right) and get fired, or not do it and keep your job. Wink, Wink.



    In what kind of country do you live? I mean, is that Dubai? China?

    Over here, surprise surprise, the police administration is independant of the political establishment. You have a board of administrator appointed by the local government, off course. That board then appoint the police chiefs. However, the process has a slow turnover that garantee an independance between the politicians and the police.

    So, you know, police can investigate on politicians? Recently, the Police of Montreal has investigated on some of the City Hall's corruption problem. The City Hall tried to apply pressure, but there was nothing they could do.

    on Mar 24, 2010

    The real question is, how would they make 30 hours be equal to 40 hours in value? Will they force people to work harder?

    Hey, I'm just the messenger, and I only touched on their "demands'. If you want a good laugh, check out the accompanying link to read their whole agenda. Sadly, there are many of these socialist groups popping up in the US, and most of those believe they are owed a living.

    on Mar 24, 2010

    In what kind of country do you live? I mean, is that Dubai? China?

    Over here, surprise surprise, the police administration is independant of the political establishment. You have a board of administrator appointed by the local government, off course. That board then appoint the police chiefs. However, the process has a slow turnover that garantee an independance between the politicians and the police.

    So, you know, police can investigate on politicians? Recently, the Police of Montreal has investigated on some of the City Hall's corruption problem. The City Hall tried to apply pressure, but there was nothing they could do.

    Not far off (China).  But Police can investigate politicians - but they better have a slam dunk case or they are done.  Itis not the way it is suppose to work, it is the way it does work.  Sad but true.  WHile your city Hall "tried" too often ours succeeds.  We had one clown in my county that was as dirty as sludge and it took 10 years to get him out of office and in prison!  You think it would take that long to get John Doe?

    on Mar 24, 2010

    Not far off (China).

    You are in China? Lucky bastard. What part?

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