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Anthony R's Articles » Page 3
April 8, 2017 by Anthony R
I can't take credit for this as I found it out there on the internet. I was amused, so I thought I'd share. A Schumer. In the animal world when a donkey is mated with a mule the result is a jackass. The modern term now for a jackass is a schumer. Unlike a mule, noted to be a dependable hard working animal, in contrast, the schumer is exceedingly belligerent, un-dependable, and spends much of it's time braying at the world. Braying is somewhat of a disgusting sound emitted by a ...
April 6, 2017 by Anthony R
Behold the ashes of nuclear Gorsuchage. Chuck Schumers hair weave will be uninhabitable for 100 years.
April 4, 2017 by Anthony R
Well, should we be surprised to find Susan "Benghazi" Rice's fingerprints all over the surveillance and unmasking of Trump and his officials? After all her cartoonishly fantastic lies from the past about traitor Bergdahl and the 13 hour siege in Benghazi, we can't believe anything she says. Put her under oath and lets start finding out who knows what and when.
April 4, 2017 by Anthony R
Wow, so it looks like dimwit Dems are going thru with a partisan filibuster of Gorsuch. I didn't think they would actually go thru with it given that it only put's them in jeopardy of losing up to 5 Senate seats and almost guaranteed to end the political career of Clair McCaskill. The funny thing is that they can only do this one time and then its over, so to take such an extreme stance for a mainstream center right candidate it almost boggles the mind. Chuch Schumer will be like Daffy D...
April 1, 2017 by Anthony R
One of the main reasons why I cast a vote for President Trump was to preserve the Supreme Court before it became a left wing swamp that shredded the Constitution and usurped the power of the Congress by creating even more new precedents (laws) from the bench. Judges are there to interpret laws, not to feel things, emote, or create new laws through precedent. Democrats whine and bray about their precious Judge Garland, but Republicans actually gambled by not giving him a hearing. Their reasoning ...
March 29, 2017 by Anthony R
Over time, liberals in tie dye shirts listening to Greatful Dead at Woodstock have given way to people in black masks and hoods carrying mace and attacking police officers. The American left have transformed into something totally new and impossible to be classified as "liberal". The best evidence of this new movement comes with the recent post from Ivanka celebrating one year since the birth of her son, uploading an innocent and seemingly beautiful picture of the moment. Immediately, the so-cal...
March 29, 2017 by Anthony R
Initially, I thought the Democrat Russia hysteria was a tactic designed to chip away at the legitimacy of the Trump administration, but as the days and weeks drag on with no end in sight to the histrionics of people like Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, and Adam (full of) Schiff, I'm starting to believe otherwise. I think The daily apoplexies are part of a truly deep wound that Trump may have inflicted on them. Trump and his missing link supporters may have hammered a scar so deeply into their ...
March 25, 2017 by Anthony R
What a disaster. Its hard to imagine what Paul Ryan and the architects of the failed healthcare bill were hoping to accomplish, but I suspect they imagined that by presenting a somewhat moderate bill that preserved many aspects of the Obamacare law, they could then attract Democrats to the plan and have a bipartisan triumph. If that's what they were hoping for then they were set up for failure from the start by someone who had some lofty ideas. If they go back to craft another bill, (I suspe...
March 21, 2017 by Anthony R
Why must we still endure swamp creature Comey as FBI director? If there is a better exhibit A to define "swamp," I'm not sure if it exists. Comey is like an engorged tick that requires matches and tweezers to remove.
March 11, 2017 by Anthony R
I'm really growing sick and tired of "reviews" from PC gamer and other rags who give games I really like bogus and totally unfair scores and games that are just total BS, good ones. Case in point, Ghost Recon is one of the most fun new games I've played in a while, yet PC Gamer in all their grandeur gave it a 6.7... In my opinion, that isn't fair. Then the same illustrious PC Gamer gave Resident Evil 7 a 9, and went on to rave like a drunk on a street corner about its greatness and i...
March 10, 2017 by Anthony R
If Republicans manage to find a way to screw up healthcare they will be damaged for decades to come... although, Democrats are already damaged for decades to come, so that may give may give Republicans wiggle room.
March 8, 2017 by Anthony R
Can we have an extension on the day? Hows about a year without a Democrat?
March 8, 2017 by Anthony R
I can't believe this Russia stuff is still going on. Its hard to imagine how any rational person out there would think Donald Trump conspired with the Russians to steal an election from Hillary Clinton. The people who claim the Russians are coming are the same people who claimed that the critics of the Benghazi terrorist attack explanation were just tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. Only 2 explanations for this absurd Russia fantasy can be used to explain the phenomenon. 1. Hillary Clinton ...
February 27, 2017 by Anthony R
Everything has changed. The internet has changed. Instead of information on the rise, we have a brand of censorship and authoritarianism that is far removed from filtering just mere obscenity. In the name of combating our own alleged racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and any other perceived 'isms' or psychological disorders that offend the sensibilities of so-called progressives, we now have an Orwellian situation where you had better watch not only what you say, but what you think...
February 23, 2017 by Anthony R
Yesterday, my rig kept cutting out on me after like 5 or 10 minutes of use. I was trying not to panic! It was so simple that it was funny. The PSU power cord wasn't seated firmly anymore. Cracks me up how the mind can race away with all kinds of crazy scenarios before checking the simplest first.