I don't think its right for Obama and his leftwing buddies to liken Rush Limbaugh to the "20th hijacker," or hope for his kidneys to fail at a public event just because he disagrees with Obama's policies. I once simply disagreed with the Presidents policies, but I am now beginning to loath him in a much more personal way. All in all, this is the most appalling and despicable presidential appearance I have ever seen.
Just try to imagine the living hell that poor 13 year old girl went through with this buffoon. Hard to believe so many Hollywood liberals and bleeding heart artists want to defend their gentleman rapist friend, with Whoopi Goldberg going the furthest out calling his crime, not really "rape, rape."
I'm not sure what to think about this. The entire case is based on totally circumstantial evidence. 26 years behind bars seems like an awful lot of time for such a flimsy case. Knox did lie a lot, but her lies don't remind me of a Scott Peterson or Casey Anthony... they were more like the lies of a confused and scared kid who has never been interrogated by the Police. I feel bad for Amanda Knox and I kind of like her. I guess if loony women all over the world can become obsessed with "t...
The spill was at first a 'relative trickle' according to Douche-bag extraordinaire Tony 'I want my life back' Hayworth' then it was 1,000 bpd and then 5,000. Now they are estimating 100,000 barrels a day in a 'worst case scenario'. The Exxon Valdez disaster spilled an estimated 257,000 barrels of oil, so that would make the Deepwater Horizon an Exxon Valdez every other day. Stunning.
I kind of forgot how sick the American left were. It takes Dick Cheney getting chest pains to remind. wade through this cesspool of death-wishes and rage in the comment section. It seems that water-boarding is barbaric and cruel torture when applied to the mastermind of 911, but its justifiable in the case of Dick Cheney.
Well theres no doubt shes getting confirmed. The Dems have enough votes and she would probably get confirmed even if she sang the Soviet national anthem. At least this one can speak proper English, unlike justice 'wise Latina'
Recent photos have emerged from the Palestinian terror tunnels.... shocking.
Treehugging environazi James Lee has stormed the Discovery channel seeking to exterminate "parasitic human babies." Get a load of his MySpace before they take it down. I doubt this guy votes Republican I took a screenie of enviro wacko Lee before MySpace took it down. I love the part when he says hes "working for change" Sound like a familiar campaign slogan? lol
I'm not too sure about this breaking down stuff... Boehner gets really emotional over the most mundane of topics... I can only imagine how he broke down while watching Old Yeller dying as a kid.
I was just getting all revved up to watch the wild card playoffs when this horrific News of a shooting came across the wire. I'm not all that familiar with Gabrielle Giffords, but it seems like shes a good old fashioned Democrat and an all around good lady. Reports say she was hit point blank in the head. Now reports that she has died. This is a sad day. I hope they give this cowardly killer a swift trip to the electric chair.
I don't want to make light of a serious situation, but our ultra-liberal Obama is out there somewhere adding something like, "bomb the Libyan people for another 48 hours" to his minder. It will make a world of difference if he spends another 48 hours dropping a shitload of million dollar bombs on the heads of a primitive, Islamic peoples. Its been somewhat amusing listening to the liberal response to this. After 8+ years of comparing Republicans to Hitler and bemoaning the toppling of brutal dic...
Its all starting to unravel for Obama. Its just going to cascade into one big avalanche for the administration all at once. Benghazi, Fast and Furious, barricading veteran memorials, more than 500 million for the Healthcare.gov website, more than 500 million for Solyndra, 51 vote party line budget gimmick at midnight Christmas eve to change our nations healthcare, the failed stimulus payoff, using the IRS as Brownshirts to attack Tea party conservatives with audits and delays of tax exempt statu...
Its really crazy how far we've come in 5 years on policy in the US, especially on matters of national security. How did we go from liberals calling Bush "Bushitler" for waterboarding the mastermind of 911, to blowing American citizens to bits in drone strikes ordered by the executive branch? Obviously, the outrage over waterboarding was insincere and feigned. Its not the first selective outrage displayed by the intellectually dishonest American left and it wont be the last. I thought wate...
Looks like Obama is about to deliver another State of the Union address. Well, he'll have to deliver it to his robot fanboys in the Democratic States of America cause I'd rather have root canal than listen to him. Its really depressing. You know our country is so broke it cant even deliver our mail on Saturday? But it isn't too broke to give Egyptian Brotherhood Islamists who would saw off our heads with dull butter knives if given the opportunity, multi million dollar tanks and F-16...
Its a shame the Democrats have chosen to exploit the Newton, Connecticut shooting in a naked attempt to advance a totalitarian vision they've had on their plates for quite some time... to strip the people of their guns and constitutional rights. In all honesty, there are no new laws that would have prevented young Mr. Lanza, who was a determined and psychotic criminal from slaying his mother, or anyone else who would have gotten in his way to commit his acts, but this reality doesn't ...