keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Anthony R's Articles In Politics
August 21, 2008 by Anthony R
With Soviet style threats to strike Poland with nuclear weapons, and in the wake of Russia's crushing use of force upon their tiny neighbor in Georgia, I thought this video of Reagan's has become extremely relevant today. Its a far cry from Pat Buchanan pitifully thanking the German's and old Europe for saving his skin by denying Georgia's entry into NATO... with so many appeasement minded individuals writing articles that show a serious disconnect with reality, this speech is a remind...
August 24, 2008 by Anthony R
I thought that McCain would pick Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, but after Obama insanely picked Joe Biden, a move which insults the Clintons and dramatically undermines a message of change, I think Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin moves to the top of the list. A woman like Palin could woo Hilary supporters and turn the tide toward McCain.
September 5, 2008 by Anthony R
If you haven't read this yet, its really quite unique.   Here is the tribute that has them all so upset.
September 10, 2008 by Anthony R
Back when I was in Junior High School, I was given the opportunity to interview Mayor Ed Koch in his Gracie Mansion offices. I remember Koch as a very kind and gracious host, and with that being said, I'm very disappointed in his recent announcement to support the Obama/Biden ticket. Its not because he is supporting his friend Joe Biden, its because he unnecessarily and erroneously demonized Sarah Palin, going as far as to characterize her as 'scary.' When Koch was asked why he felt this way, he...
November 16, 2008 by Anthony R
I'm watching the Steelers vs the Chargers game and I see that I can watch President elect douche at the conclusion on 60 Minutes. It looks like Michell Obama has come out of hiding now that the election is over, I guess if she repeats something like, “America is a mean country in 2008,” it wont really matter very much because her husband has already been elected. I think I will tune in to watch President elect douche to see what he has to say after the game.
September 17, 2009 by Anthony R
Obama's domestic agenda has been a living hell for quite some time, but now his foreign policy is starting to totally unravel at a breakneck pace. Total capitulation on the defence shield with nothing in return from Russia. News Article
October 16, 2009 by Anthony R
  White House Communications Director Anita Dunn has called Mao Tse-Tung "her favorite philosopher." I guess that should be shocking. As ultra-liberal John Lennon once said, "if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you aint gonna make it with anyone anyhow." 
December 1, 2009 by Anthony R
A bunch of disappointed kids will have to watch Bozobama instead of Charlie Brown... I was a big fan of that cartoon series as a kid and I wouldn't have liked it if it was pre-empted by some Chicago thug.  
January 26, 2010 by Anthony R
  This photo is almost surreal. Who thought it would be a good idea to bring a Presidential seal and teleprompters into a 5th grade classroom? it looks like the President is trying to deliver an address to elementary school children. This guy becomes more laughable and absurd every day.
March 11, 2010 by Anthony R
Senators Chuck U Schumer and Lindsay Grahmnesty have begun a new push for a National ID Card. This is really disturbing to me on so many levels. Its like 1939 Nazi Germany where everyone has to show their papers or something. Our freedoms are being stripped from us by authoritarians on both sides of the isle and its dangerous. When I first read Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty Four as a kid I thought it was a far fetched work of fiction, if we all need to start carrying and presenting national ID cards ...
April 9, 2010 by Anthony R
This picture infuriates me. Look at the way Chicago thug Obama is pointing his finger into the chest of Netanyahu.
November 4, 2017 by Anthony R
I wasn't going to bother voting for Gov. on the 7th as I am filled with disgust by Chris Christie's Lieutenant Guadagno, but Democrat Murphy and his pledge to turn our already screwed and overtaxed state into a sanctuary for illegal Mexicans is something that I cannot sit idly by and not cast a vote against.So thats it. A lesser of two evils argument sends me top the poll on the 7th to vote for an official that fills me with revulsion. Only less revulsion than the alternative.
October 31, 2017 by Anthony R
  Hard to believe this was only 5 short years ago. If the Russians are even slightly as dangerous as Democrats now hysterically claim, what does that say about Obama and his judgement?
April 27, 2017 by Anthony R
Some may say I need a psychiatrist, but I've always enjoyed politics and the topics involved. With that being said, wading into the sewage of political discourse these days is an exercise in madness. Gone are the days when such discourse could lead to anything remotely resembling a civilized exchange of ideas. We've ushered in a new era where most people who have such interest are more out to prove that they are right, and any person with any disagreement, or objection to any policy and ...
April 10, 2017 by Anthony R
I was talking about political issues with a friend on fb and it caused me to decide never to do it again. The friend had posted on the topic of Trump, and a Jewish issue of some kind, I think it was one of those unfounded Trump/Antisemitism attacks, so I gently, or not so gently reminded him that Obama's support in Israel was the lowest of any American President in history. The poll I cited was not tilted or partisan in any way, cause it listed Bill Clinton as the Israeli favorite. So it rea...