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Anthony R's Articles In Politics » Page 3
February 3, 2013 by Anthony R
All the gun control advocates are on all the Sunday shows and some of them might be well meaning, but they are totally misguided. Ask a liberal gun control advocate something like, "what new law would have stopped Eric Harris from sawing off his shotgun on both ends, transforming it into the deadliest close range weapon imaginable?" Since sawing off a shotgun is already a felony in most states and no one is even including the deadly close range shotgun on the list of weapons to be banned, they w...
October 21, 2012 by Anthony R
Provided nothing dramatic happens at the final foriegn policy debate and no knockout blow is landed... this is the way I see it shaking out. Obama has been campaigning in Ohio for the last 5 years in between rounds of golf, vacationing, demonizing Bush, and patting himself on the back for exacerbating Americas problems, so I think he has a pretty good foothold on the State, so I give it to him, but he is losing Wisconsin and New Hampshire quickly, and that provides Ryan/ Romney another pa...
June 28, 2012 by Anthony R
Keep in mind that the Obamacare mandate was upheld not under the Commerce Clause – but as a “tax.”
February 25, 2012 by Anthony R
The Republican field is somewhat weak, and right now it may seem somewhat dysfunctional, but I've come to the conclusion that I, and everyone else have been too picky on which candidate is best. All the Republicans, with the exception of Paul, have most of the same beliefs and at this point I don't care which one gets the nod. If the election were between Obama and a kid from college who got 98% on his last civics exam I would take the kid. I would have more optimism and hope that the...
February 13, 2012 by Anthony R
Was just watching all of Obama's propaganda on his Youtube channel and I must say it's very good. It's actually top notch. Obama is one of the worst Presidents of my lifetime, but he manages to milk the most out of his few successes while amplifying his personal likability and family with amazing efficiency. So it won't be easy to beat him. Obama has done more campaigning and lavish vacationing then governing, but it really doesn't matter when you have a propaganda machine...
December 24, 2010 by Anthony R
Looks like Obama has finally made it to Hawaii to join Michelle for yet another taxpayer paid vacation. He gets to celebrate Kwanza in Hawaii on the taxpayer dime while Asia spirals into war and Unemployment hovers at 10% Liberals made a big fuss about the Bush vacationing and yet they don't seem all that concerned about Little Lord Fauntleroy's vacationing. Cracks me up.
November 19, 2010 by Anthony R
I'm tired of bed wetting liberal whiners who complain that Water-boarding is 'torture' saying things like 'that's not what were about man' or Geraldo on FOX and friends this morning calling CIA interrogators "the American Taliban' All this BS when they don't mind watching the officials that they elect turning our airports and other infrastructures into quasi police states where nuns, kids and even pilots are felt up and treated like inmates in a penitentiary as a result of not being proactive...
September 30, 2010 by Anthony R
Lots of people seem to be upset about Colbert's mock testimony before congress. I don't really see the big deal, in fact, when combined with Jon Stewart's rally for an "amused" Obama, and most Democrats getting their news from Comedy Central anyway, it almost seems appropriate. They may as well broadcast all the Presidents speeches from comedy central as well while their at it, and they can also broadcast Congress from there rather than CSPAN..
September 2, 2010 by Anthony R
  I want Time magazine to explain how Barack Obongo Onyanga Hussein Obama got elected in the first place.    
August 22, 2010 by Anthony R
With a nuclear Iran now unveiling an unmanned drone they call the "ambassador of death" I'm really beginning to believe the world will see a nuclear holocaust before I die. I felt this way during the cold war in the 80's, but that subsided after the fall of the Soviet Union... I feel much more pessimistic now than I did then because when it was all said and done, as antagonistic as the Soviets were, they were still rational people who could be reasoned with. And they didn't want to destroy the w...
July 28, 2010 by Anthony R
Lately on the internet, I read a lot of people posting political thoughts as if they think they have all the answers to some of the most complex issues. I have opinions too, but I never claim that I'm 100% correct. I know what I read and I try to come to a reasonable conclusion. Many people have about as much expertise in political sciences as my garbageman, only difference? My garbageman might have opinions, but he doesn't consider himself an expert in matters of nuclear proliferation or Russia...
June 18, 2010 by Anthony R
  Looks like Obammy's numbers are totally underwater and reaching fatal levels. One and done buddy.
May 28, 2010 by Anthony R
This is the toughest and most effective ad I've ever seen. I guess when an administration is as corrupt and inept as Obama's there is plenty of ammo, but this is just damning, and it provides a good preview of the 2012 presidential elections.
April 9, 2010 by Anthony R
This picture infuriates me. Look at the way Chicago thug Obama is pointing his finger into the chest of Netanyahu.
March 11, 2010 by Anthony R
Senators Chuck U Schumer and Lindsay Grahmnesty have begun a new push for a National ID Card. This is really disturbing to me on so many levels. Its like 1939 Nazi Germany where everyone has to show their papers or something. Our freedoms are being stripped from us by authoritarians on both sides of the isle and its dangerous. When I first read Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty Four as a kid I thought it was a far fetched work of fiction, if we all need to start carrying and presenting national ID cards ...