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Anthony R's Articles » Page 8
July 28, 2010 by Anthony R
Lately on the internet, I read a lot of people posting political thoughts as if they think they have all the answers to some of the most complex issues. I have opinions too, but I never claim that I'm 100% correct. I know what I read and I try to come to a reasonable conclusion. Many people have about as much expertise in political sciences as my garbageman, only difference? My garbageman might have opinions, but he doesn't consider himself an expert in matters of nuclear proliferation or Russia...
July 23, 2010 by Anthony R
Recent photos have emerged from the Palestinian terror tunnels.... shocking.
June 29, 2010 by Anthony R
Well theres no doubt shes getting confirmed. The Dems have enough votes and she would probably get confirmed even if she sang the Soviet national anthem. At least this one can speak proper English, unlike justice 'wise Latina'
June 26, 2010 by Anthony R
I kind of forgot how sick the American left were. It takes Dick Cheney getting chest pains to remind. wade through this cesspool of death-wishes and rage in the comment section. It seems that water-boarding is barbaric and cruel torture when applied to the mastermind of 911, but its justifiable in the case of Dick Cheney.
June 21, 2010 by Anthony R
Well this is interesting. An 'Impeach Obama' Dem in TX has won the Democratic primary and her website calls upon fellow Democrats to 'stop Obama's fascism.' This Texas Democrat has also depicted Obama and Reid as Hitler. Very, very strange. Looks like Obama has lost some of his herd.   
June 20, 2010 by Anthony R
The spill was at first a 'relative trickle' according to Douche-bag extraordinaire Tony 'I want my life back' Hayworth' then it was 1,000 bpd and then 5,000. Now they are estimating 100,000 barrels a day in a 'worst case scenario'. The Exxon Valdez disaster spilled an estimated 257,000 barrels of oil, so that would make the Deepwater Horizon an Exxon Valdez every other day. Stunning.
June 18, 2010 by Anthony R
  Looks like Obammy's numbers are totally underwater and reaching fatal levels. One and done buddy.
May 28, 2010 by Anthony R
This is the toughest and most effective ad I've ever seen. I guess when an administration is as corrupt and inept as Obama's there is plenty of ammo, but this is just damning, and it provides a good preview of the 2012 presidential elections.
April 9, 2010 by Anthony R
This picture infuriates me. Look at the way Chicago thug Obama is pointing his finger into the chest of Netanyahu.
March 28, 2010 by Anthony R
Is there a more fitting bill for Obama's image? I think not.
March 28, 2010 by Anthony R
Is there a more fitting bill for Obama's image? I think not.
March 11, 2010 by Anthony R
Senators Chuck U Schumer and Lindsay Grahmnesty have begun a new push for a National ID Card. This is really disturbing to me on so many levels. Its like 1939 Nazi Germany where everyone has to show their papers or something. Our freedoms are being stripped from us by authoritarians on both sides of the isle and its dangerous. When I first read Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty Four as a kid I thought it was a far fetched work of fiction, if we all need to start carrying and presenting national ID cards ...
February 10, 2010 by Anthony R
The Global warming won't stop accumulating... someone alert Al Gore.
February 1, 2010 by Anthony R
  Obama now bowing to the Mayor of Tampa. Lets review, Obama has bowed down before King Abdullah, Emperor Akihito, Premier Wen Jiabao, and now Mayor Pam Iorio. Who will he bow before next?      
January 26, 2010 by Anthony R
  This photo is almost surreal. Who thought it would be a good idea to bring a Presidential seal and teleprompters into a 5th grade classroom? it looks like the President is trying to deliver an address to elementary school children. This guy becomes more laughable and absurd every day.