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Anthony R's Articles » Page 6
August 18, 2012 by Anthony R
Will you vote for Mitt Romney, or will you vote for Baracolli Obama?
June 28, 2012 by Anthony R
Keep in mind that the Obamacare mandate was upheld not under the Commerce Clause – but as a “tax.”
June 23, 2012 by Anthony R
Unless you live under a rock, you've likely heard about the fast and furious fiasco. I always knew Obama was a progressive liberal and not a classic liberal, I also knew the chances were high that as a pencil pusher from a Chicago storefront he would likely also be incompetent, but unless he and Holder start explaining Operation Fast and Furious, I'll have to assume he is something I never expected... evil. That in order to create an atmosphere of anger over gun violence in Mexico, he fu...
June 7, 2012 by Anthony R
This is the first lady and the President of the United States of America. I know its hard to believe, but it is in fact, a fact.
June 7, 2012 by Anthony R
Wow, I haven't really been reading political blogs as of late, but I just learned that Patterico and others have been targeted with a rather dangerous attack called "SWATting". To add insult to injury, it doesn't seem like the US Justice Dept is really all that concerned about these attacks. if you want to voice a right wing political opinion, watch out. It seems as though some want to silence such speech and even worse, it seems as though the Justice Dept will just stand idly by as they...
April 25, 2012 by Anthony R
Obama's tired routine is starting to get really old. He generally finds a boogieman to scapegoat and then he tells the people that its the cause of all their woes. Sort of like the Salem witch trial, when witches were concocted and burned at the stake to diffuse tensions that arose when crops wouldn't grow and rain wouldn't fall. Last election it was Bush, Bush, Bush, this election its the wealthy, wealthy, wealthy.  What Obama won't tell you is that his tax the rich plan wo...
April 22, 2012 by Anthony R
  Barack Hussein Obama Onyango Obongo Sotero and Michelle "scouting our next lavish taxpayer funded vacation" Obama. Quite a picture huh? 300 years from now students from all over the world will be discussing this period in American history and they will be writing thesis papers "When America lost its mind" or something similar.
March 1, 2012 by Anthony R
I guess I shouldn't be so shocked, but even more shocking than the sudden death of Andrew Brietbart was the stunning messages of hate I saw earlier in the day on Yahoo and other places. I actually think that's why the Yahoo message board is down and unavailable for use right now. Even the left wingers at Yahoo were probably shocked at the grave dancing. One message was kind of ironic with the poster claiming that "hate killed him." It was strange that a person dancing on another persons ...
February 25, 2012 by Anthony R
The Republican field is somewhat weak, and right now it may seem somewhat dysfunctional, but I've come to the conclusion that I, and everyone else have been too picky on which candidate is best. All the Republicans, with the exception of Paul, have most of the same beliefs and at this point I don't care which one gets the nod. If the election were between Obama and a kid from college who got 98% on his last civics exam I would take the kid. I would have more optimism and hope that the...
February 13, 2012 by Anthony R
Was just watching all of Obama's propaganda on his Youtube channel and I must say it's very good. It's actually top notch. Obama is one of the worst Presidents of my lifetime, but he manages to milk the most out of his few successes while amplifying his personal likability and family with amazing efficiency. So it won't be easy to beat him. Obama has done more campaigning and lavish vacationing then governing, but it really doesn't matter when you have a propaganda machine...
February 11, 2012 by Anthony R
I've noticed a widespread condition spreading like wildfire among left wing thinkers. Even when information is widely and evenly distributed and confirmed by virtually every major media news outlet, if the information doesn't fit into their ideological reality they insist I got my news "from FAUX" as if I'm not mature enough for any other kind of media consumption. It must be tough to withdraw into a world of mass denial.
January 22, 2012 by Anthony R
Wow, the people of South Carolina are an embarrassment. First, they vote for 2 terms of Lindsey Grahamnesty and now this. Newt Gingrich. I don't think I could muster a vote for Gingrich. His ethics violations, slimy personal behavior, and duplicitous nature, such as sitting on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi to sound the alarm for global warming and more recently attacking Mitt Romney with what could for all intents and purposes be an Obama attack ad against Bain Capital. Its too early to get ...
January 14, 2012 by Anthony R
Well, the Republican primaries have been quite interesting and I've seen quite enough to fully decide who I'm voting for. Its easy to know who I can vote for by excluding all those I could never vote for, such as Newt Gingrich. All the Romney pac did was remind people who Gingrich was/is, and that was too much for Gingrich, so he came out bellyaching and feigning outrages of outrages on TV which only helped to hammer home the attack ads of Romney. Newt is a hypocritical, pompous, duplici...
October 27, 2011 by Anthony R
I have to admit I've been a bit baffled by liberals these days. On the one hand, they claimed to be horrified by Adolf Hitler's (Bush's) creation of a prison facility in Cuba called Gitmo, and for the "torture" of Khalid Sheik Muhammad, the mastermind of 911. They called Bush "the worlds greatest terrorist" for wars against Saddam Hussein and The Taliban. Now, they are suddenly filled with glee over the savage torture and execution of the Qaddafi's. They will say that it wasn'...
September 11, 2011 by Anthony R
Hard to believe ten years have already passed since the Sept, 11th attacks. I can still remember the first time I visited the Trade Center as a kid on a school field trip. I remember how the elevators took us up to the top really fast and how we made our way over to the windows where we all looked out over Manhattan. There was a certain wonder to it all. Its kind of eerie to think of that day now. How we all stood there as kids, excited by the tall buildings and the sights, never quite realizing...